I just wanted to say a big "Thank you" to our own HIB "Inspire Me Designs" for restoring my wedding mojo!!!!
As some of you may recall from my recent posts, we have been dealt two consecutive financial blows recently, in middle of planning for our Dec 2011 wedding! There have been tears and times we thought we'd have to cancel.
We had received our STDs and were sad to see them printed with a date we may have to change. We also realised we could no longer afford to have the stationery done by the company who did our STDs. My CBM and I decided to do them ourself and use an almost identical winter photo to the one used by the stationer, but this one taken by my OH and which many of you have seen flashed here.
As luck will have it, someone up there loves us and wants us to have this wedding... It all started with an email:
I noticed your post regarding your table plan and your
stationery provider wanting to charge £95. Do you want it diamond
encrusted or something??
I can certainly help you with your table plan if you would like me to if you let me know what you would like.
If you are interested then let me know and I'll be more than happy to help you out. I dont have any Table Plans on my site at the moment but for samples of my other work please see ........ I am a registered HIB.
It was the beginning of a lot of communications, and resulted in Natalie offering me 6 different designs to chose from using my OH's picture and I can't stop looking at them all, especially the two we are trying to decide between! Not only her quotes were very reasonable and half what the initial stationer was asking, but the designs are incredible! They feel professional and the highest quality yet very personal to us!
Wedding mojo regained and I know probably Natalie is thinking I must be a bit weird and OTT for doing this thread here after emailing her so much already and signing her website guestbook but no words can describe how grateful and happy my OH and I are feeling tonight! If I hadn't joined Hitched, I'd have never known about HIB Natalie and probably either given up on the wedding altogether as this would have been another thing we couldn't afford, or messed up trying my hand at making my own invites (I admire all of you who did some superb invites but I am really useless with crafts, I couldn't stick a dot of glue without messing the whole card!)
I will flash them one day when they are all ready!!!!
PS - that's 2 things for the wedding I found through Hitched!