Well the last 24 hours have been the most stressful of house selling/buying so far...
We accepted the offer on our flat back in September, it took a bit longer (and more ££) to get the lease extension sorted ready for exchange. We then tried to exchange early December with a view to completing before Christmas. No. We couldn't get hold of our buyer to exchange.
Turns out they were not the bottom of the chain as we originally thought. They had a buyer who had not yet even received their mortgage offer. So we were left hanging over Christmas and NY not really knowing what was going to happen. Our buyer's solicitor is about as useless as a chocolate teapot. Our estate agent not much better.
We continued to chase last week, still no offer. Then I get a call to say that the top of the chain are fed up of waiting and although not pulling out, they are putting their house back on the market, as are the house that we are buying. ***. Cue mini meltdown.
A sleepless night and plenty of stress induced arguing and crying. All day today chasing our buyer and estate agents and mortgage advisors... I finally get an email at 6pm this evening to say their offer should be out in 48 hours. I can relax. A little bit.
I don't think I will fully be ok till the keys are in my hand. My poor nervous system.
The way houses are bought and sold in this country sucks balls.
Thanks for listening. Sticky house vibes please!