Despite a good clean, mask, exfoliate, moisturise my face is a mess!! I've got bad spots and most dont come to anything, just red raised lumps. My back and chest are getting very spotty too and I use spot pads, gels and lotions on them to no avail. I exfoliate on my chest too to no avail. I drink water every day and just cant figure out why my skins breaking out like this. I'm gonna look crap at this rate.
OH and I have just joined a gym together, in one of the local hotels so there will be no excuse now to get exercising. Least it saves on argeuments when I want to wii and he wants to watch tele! 16 weeks to go now, arrgggghhhhhh.
oh and I have a job interview on friday for the job i'm currently doing (2nd attempt at this)
and lastly, my mum got a box of chocs from abi titmuss and lisa riley this week...... showbiz! lolol Sadly, it wont help mum lose any weight for the wedding lolololol.