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Beginner May 2016

I wish I never had bridesmaids! RANT

Charliebob, 10 of October of 2015 at 14:57 Posted on Planning 0 8

Yes, this is one big fat rant, and yes I am probably over reacting, but this is the first BRIDEZILLA moment I have had.

So I have 4 bridesmaids, I thought I would have my sister, sister in law to be, best friend and goddaughter. I stopped there and thought it would be a ball of fun.. Oh god I was wrong.

First of all I bought sequin dresses, to which they all agreed they liked. It then turnt out.. none of them liked them so I ended up having to sell them on and start the hunt all over again.

Then I opted for some chiffon ones, everyone was happy but then my sister became pregnant and MOH put on a lot of weight in a very short amount of time, so once again have had to sell them and start the search again..

(Still have 2 of those dresses left to sell!)

And then a few weeks back I found a very affordable number that suited my biggest bridesmaid so ordered the sizes needed online.. They turnt up today and I am fuming!! One has a huge stain on it, the other is a different shade of blue, one has a different lace pattern.. And this is from a well known clothing store! So no excuses!!

I just feel fed up. I can't be bothered anymore. It's a pain in the arse finding a dress that will suit all girls that also fits in our budget. Girls don't seem to really care.. And I am fed up of spending money to have to return them or sell them on it's all so boring now and I can't find the energy to be excited about having them anymore!


8 replies

Latest activity by Mrs-Riley, 12 of October of 2015 at 09:38
  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    I can fully appreciate this rant. Firstly return the dresses you just got. Secondly take a deep breath and pour yourself a glass of wine.

    thirdly. Well I think. One can't help being pregnant. However if we bought our dress then put a load of weight on we would know we have to lose the weight or buy another dress. I think that should have been your bridesmaids option. Lose the weight, buy another dress herself selling hers to recoup some of the money or drop out. It shouldn't have been your expense again.

    i would email, ring, msg them all saying so far it's cost you xyz because they keep saying yes they like dresses then deciding they don't when it's too late to send them back. I think I would be at the point where I send them pictures of say 5 dresses. Which do they think they like and what don't they like about the others. See if there is one they can agree on. At the end of the day it's your wedding not theirs. As long as they don't look a complete eyesore in it or it's not completely inappropriate for any reason wear what you're bl00## told you're wearing.

    put your foot down. They have behaved unreasonably in my opinion by making you buy dresses they then change their mind over and expecting you to just buy more.

    if you can utilise the two you still have and get something toning for the pregnant sister I would.

    You seriously need to take control here.

    Now pour another wine and have some chocolate too. X

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  • A
    Beginner March 2015
    Ash953 ·
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    I can sympathize.

    I went through two sets of bridesmaids dresses. The first set was a pain because my 2nd bridesmaid took ages to give me her size. By the time she did, only one place in the world (Bloomingdales) still stocked the dress, and it was a hassle to get it - but I did. Shipped it to her, and it was too small(!) She blamed the sizing but my sister (who wears the same size) tried it on before shipping and it fit her. So, I tracked down several sizes up, and when I got it, my 2nd bridesmaid pulled out claiming she was too fat and self-conscious. Fine.

    I got another bridesmaid and another set of dresses, and this time, my 1st bridesmaid wanted to wear the first dress. Erm...

    At some point, you've got to say, "That's great but you're wasting my time and money, and just wear the bloody dress you're given." but in a nice way.

    It was probably the most stressful part of wedding planning. I don't think you're having a bridezilla moment. It's pretty frustrating and legitimate.

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  • 2BMrsC
    Beginner May 2017
    2BMrsC ·
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    Good grief! I don't know about Bridezilla, this sounds more like Bridesmaidzilla Quadrupled!

    Have another glass of wine whilst I breathe a sigh of relief at only having ONE bridesmaid ?

    I'm with the others- I'd send them links to three or four 'final' choices, tell them they WILL be wearing one of them, or they are welcome to pull out of being your maids- ask them to rank them in order of preference and then buy them the most popular one.... and if they moan after that, I'm afraid I'd be telling them they really do have two choices- wear the dresses that were chosen or not be bridesmaids at all!

    Jeesh, have ANOTHER glass of wine- I feel like having one on your behalf!

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  • E
    Beginner October 2015
    elvira-darkside ·
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    If they live close to you, go out shopping together so there can be no more size issues? i would be really annoyed too. definitely return the latest damaged dresses. other option are those stretchy mutliway ones? same colours, but let them style them as they want?

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  • Lapland2015
    Beginner December 2015
    Lapland2015 ·
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    I would take them shopping together. I often see stuff that looks lovely in photos but in reality looks awful on me. I took all 4 of mine to a shop and said find one you like I now have two in one dress and two in another both the same colour and similar cut but suits all. 45 mins it took ;-)

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  • hollyhollytree
    Beginner September 2016
    hollyhollytree ·
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    Oh that sounds like such a headache! Have you talked to them honestly about how cross you are? They probably don't have a clue how much it's stressing you out, can you talk to them and maybe they'll be a little more senstive?

    I was honestly really tempted to not have any but then my H2B revealed he wanted 5 groomsmen so I thought I'd need at least one! Just picked my best friend but finding a dress is still a pain!

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  • Bobbys_Girl
    Beginner October 2017
    Bobbys_Girl ·
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    Get them all to a bridal shop or the city centre and get them to show you a dress they each like, what features they like, what they hate wearing etc. Then pick two or three dresses that you like which accomadates the likes and tell them to pick one, or have two dresses have a couple in each dress of the same colour.

    They need to be honest with you to save any more returning and bad feeling.

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  • M
    Beginner August 2016
    Mrs-Riley ·
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    I would say the best way for you to avoid size woes is to meet up with your bridesmaids, have a little shopping trip and then they can try the dresses on there and then. If they all agree, then you get 'em bought and it's their responsibility to fit into the dresses on the day - whether they have to go on a diet, or have some alterations done (at their own expense).

    My sister has also fallen pregnant, but I'm lucky enough that we're not getting married until August next year - and she's due at Christmas. So plenty of time for her to look for dresses afterwards.

    If you're paying for the dresses yourself - then be firm and strict. I'm sure they wouldn't be so picky if they have to pay.

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