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Beginner October 2018

Ideas to involve brother in wedding (not in bridal party)

RomanticRedBridesmaid679, 30 March, 2017 at 09:33 Posted on Planning 0 6

My mum is concerned that my brother is going to feel left out at my wedding. My bridesmaids are my sister, my fiance's sister and one of my friends. The groomsmen are my fiance's three best friends. We can't really afford to have an extra person in the bridal party and so I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of ways that I can involve him more?

We're having a church wedding so I suggested he do a reading, however he said he'd rather not as he thinks it would be hypocritical of him. I floated the idea of him being a witness on the wedding certificate but Mum doesn't seem to think that this is enough. My brother doesn't seem to be that bothered that he doesn't have a big role (always the possibility that he's down playing it) but I'm stumped for ideas. Any help would be appreciated Smiley smile

6 replies

Latest activity by Teal, 12 April, 2017 at 09:01
  • 2BMrsC
    Beginner May 2017
    2BMrsC ·
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    My brother has no role either but we are going to ask him to be a witness and to help 'usher' people on the day... I suspect he will manage the witness bit and spend the rest of the day glued to the bar!!

    I would talk to your brother, just the two of you, and explain that you are concerned that he doesn't have a 'role' and ask him to tell you honestly if that bothers him- I suspect it really doesn't- men don't tend to worry as much about these things as women!

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    I suspect also that this a mum thing and your brother is quite happy. If it's the religious aspect there are many non religious readings he could do instead, be a witness as you say or make a small speach at the reception if he would like. I agree speak directly to him and ask if he would like to do more than be a witness, do any of the ideas you come up with appeal to him or if there is something else he has thought of that he would like to be involved with.

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  • Paula @ Ollievision
    Paula @ Ollievision ·
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    I think you should ignore your mum and ask him to be a witness. Seems like she's making you feel bad to try and get you to add him as a groomsman.

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  • M
    Beginner October 2018
    Meg101 ·
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    I've asked my brother to be an usher. He'd be helping out anyway but that way he has a title and a proper role

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  • PadBin
    Rockstar July 2016
    PadBin ·
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    I had my sisters as bridesmaids and my nephew as an usher so we asked my big brother to be a witness. It was lovely having him up there.

    I think your mum may want him to be groomsmen as I thought being a witness is an important job and there's not many other options left. Just do what you feel is right for you.

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  • C
    Beginner November 2017
    CantwaittobeMrsDavies17 ·
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    Agree with others and ask him to be witness. Also ask him if he's actually that bothered? Another suggestion might be getting him involved as a kind of Master of Ceremonies person if your venue doesn't offer that. That's what I'm planning on asking my big brother to do. He's excellent at being bossy and has a loud voice so should suit him perfectly :-)

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  • T
    Teal ·
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    Is your brother an adult? Agree what others have said regarding speaking to him directly. As an usher, he could do the following:

    - hand out order of the day at the door

    - hand out bubbles/confetti/rice etc as they walk back out

    - hand out umbrellas/assist people to chairs or their cars

    - do something at the venue

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