I've been pondering this one for a while, our wedding hasn't even happened yet but already there are a few things I wish I had done differently. Not that I regret anything of course, and I love our wedding to bits but hindsight is a beautiful thing.
Venue - I fully fully love my venue and knew it wasn't the cheapest, and would probably have picked it anyway but I do wish I'd done the figures a bit more thoroughly before booking (and this comes from a spreadsheet queen!)
Dress - I'm having my dress custom made, it's been an interesting process and I do love it, but I worked on the assumption that I wouldn't be able to find what I wanted off the shelf. A year or so down the line and I wonder if I had thought differently about it, I could have found something that just needed minor alterations/additions instead of starting the whole thing from scratch.
Timescale - Part of me loves that we gave ourselves 18months to plan, it meant we could do things as and when, and now that we're just 4 months to go a lot of it is sorted already but it also leaves time to overthink things which I'm far too prone to doing as it is! A friend recently planned her whole wedding in 4 months and it was fantastic, and I was so jealous that the lingering wedding stress was over and done with so quickly for her!
This is not a post of regret, I just needed to write it down so it stops bothering me!
Is there anything you might have done differently?