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Beginner August 2004

Instant gratification snacking - any alternatives?

clairol, 7 of January of 2009 at 15:49 Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 0 1

I am well aware that the main reason is that I do not resemble Kate Moss is that I seldom eat because I am hungry - bored, stressed, fed up yes. I have two small children and on the days when I don't work and they are driving me up the wall I find myself sneaking off to stuff as many biscuits/crisps/chocolate etc as possible into my mouth in 2 minutes.

Can anyone help suggest an alternative? Part of the attraction of this secret eating is the instant gratifcation and the relative cheapness (in monetary terms) of my treats. I have come to the conclusion that I'm rubbish at waiting for things and as I rarely wear make up or am particularly into fashion (probably due to feeling uncomfortable as a size 16) so all those usual dieting suggestions about treating myself to new lipstick don't really do it for me.

I also want something to make me feel better NOW and give me that immediate boost! Any ideas??

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Latest activity by vicbic, 7 of January of 2009 at 17:24
  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    How do you feel after your "snacking"? Better? Or miserable and ashamed?

    If it really makes you feel better, then try switching the kind of snack. Fruit, nuts, seeds etc won't send your blood sugar seesawing to the same extent. How about measuring out your five-a-day and snacking on that?

    Alternatively, clean your teeth, brush your hair and style it a bit differently, or put on some perfume.

    Or, have a look for some CBT-type techniques to silence the "voice" that's telling you eating is the way to feel better.

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  • vicbic
    Beginner September 2003
    vicbic ·
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    I'm not sure if keeping the "instant gratification" thing is really the answer, even if it is melon or something relatively healthy.

    Is there any chance you aren't eating enough at mealtimes so when it comes to a typical snack time, you are so hungry, all willpower goes out of the window? I know that is my downfall.

    If you are bored and/or stressed, is there anything you could actively do to try and remove the stress, or start up something to keep you occupied when the cravings (for want of a better word) start?

    Also, could you, every time you feel like a biscuit, distract yourself with a glass of water, or find something to do instead?

    I know it is much easier said than done, so I do sympathise.

    If you want rewards, how about thinking about something bigger that you like. There must be something, and then save a virtual amount of money in your head! Then you could spend that money when you have saved enough!

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