Hi all, I'm a long time lurker but first time poster!
Getting married in September and it's all been going well so far. But something's niggled me today which is frustrating!
We had our invitations printed and I was really pleased with them. We decided not to include reply cards, for a number of reasons really - additional cost, my parents said that it's only a recent phenomenon and that traditionally you don't, and that some of their most treasured memories of their wedding are the cards and letters people wrote RSVPing,
The family invitations all went out a few weeks ago and as my mum predicted, we've had some really lovely cards and letters which we'll love to keep. The ones which went out over the weekend were the rest which are all to friends. I did envisage that it might be a bit more difficult getting RSVPs out of friends but I don't mind doing a bit of chasing if necessary. However, today my OH received a call from one of his friends, informing us that we had forgotten to put a reply card in with his invitation, and that he'd also checked with another guest and we'd forgotten to put one in theirs too. OH told him that we weren't doing reply cards and that the idea was that he writes a short note or card (hell, you can even buy specific wedding acceptance cards in WH Smith) to my parents RSVPing. Apparently the friend was incredibly shocked by this and quite put out! I mean, I know most people do include reply cards these days, but it is a fairly recent phenomenon and I got invited to a wedding a couple of years ago where there wasn't one - how hard is it to write a short note or card?! I'm also pretty peed off that the 'friend' felt the need to call and point out our "mistake" - not exactly the polite thing to do if it was a mistake.
Am I being unreasonable? I know reply cards probably would have been easier for people, but is it so much to ask to write a note when we're forking out how much for you to come to our day?
Grr, glad to have got that off my chest!