We are very much undecided on what to have as a reading for our civil ceremony. I found the Owl and the Pussycat which i quite liked but OH wasn't keen, but did like the idea of something frm a childhood book.
Anyway, after trawling through some of the old books I still had, I found The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.
Now, on reading the first chapter, i thought it was quite cute - Plop (not sure I can get through the whole reading without sniggering at this), is afraid of the dark, his mum says that's silly, he can't be afraid of the dark, he doesn't know anything about it, so she sends him off to explore. There's a bit in the last chapter about how he's met all these wonderful people and is longer afraid of the dark and think's its great.
Using the metaphor of dark=marriage/love - is this a weird choice?? Neither me or OH have been particularly scared of commitment at any point in our lives, so it isn't directly relevant, but i still think the sentiment is nice.
Would you find it weird if someone read this at a wedding? I'm worried we have blinkers on as we can't find anything else, so looking for the general consensus on yay or nay
Sorry for the ramble!