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Beginner February 2008

I've just started Slimming World

Spring, 23 July, 2008 at 21:28

Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 99

Feeling a bit rubbish after the meeting because i didn't find the woman very helpful. I've got the pack but it obviously doesn't have all the sins in. What books would you recommend that i get to help me through this please?

Feeling a bit rubbish after the meeting because i didn't find the woman very helpful. I've got the pack but it obviously doesn't have all the sins in.

What books would you recommend that i get to help me through this please?

99 replies

  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    sorry that was me ..I had an other nick when i was wedding planning, and then was secretly on baby talk as i didn;t want anyone to know we were trying and my SIL sometimes used the site.

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
    Spring ·
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    What were you forced to eat Mad? ?

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  • Batfink
    Beginner January 2008
    Batfink ·
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    But you've been good the rest of the time, so I'm sure you'll be fine. At my group it sounds as if 75% of them go off plan every weekend. Which I won't be doing. I do however have my best friends wedding on Sat, so will probably be unable to stick with it then, I think I'll eat neutrally all day, and then decide when I get there whether it's going to be more original or green. I think the wine might be my downfall though!

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    I ate lemon pie and ice cream....I don't even like lemon pie. Why did i do it (on top of the fresh pasta, the pasta sauce, the garlic bread) I;m so stupid. i need to learn how to say no.

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
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    Don't beat yourself up about it Mad. I bought fresh pasta thinking it wouldn't matter until i read it had double the syn value. I had 18 syns that day!!

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    How's everyone going today?

    I'm out on a hen party tonight, not staying out too long so drink won;t be a problem. I;ve checked out the menu and I think i;ve made good choices which should hopefully be less syns.

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  • gemgems
    gemgems ·
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    We had friends over yesterday and ended up with a chinese and although I thought I made the right choices I still managed to have 31 yes 31 syns oops. Hopefully I wont go too far over this week gulp.

    Its been quite hard getting back into the swing of things where I have eaten whatever I wanted for the last year I am re-educating myself. I hope to have lost 1lb this week as then its a boost isnt it. Will find out on wednesday.

    Hope everyone else is having a good weekend.

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  • Jefna
    Beginner September 2005
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    Can I join in too? I've been doing slimming world for a couple of months, and lost 8.5lbs for my holidays, put 5lbs back on during the hol, and since I got back, I've have lost my SW mojo ?.

    My weight loss total is now only 6lbs as I have really struggled to stick to the plan 100% (weekends are my biggest downfall!!). So I thought if I joined in with this thread it might help me stick to it ?.

    I actually only need to lose another 9lbs to get to goal (although I might change this, and make it 13lbs) but I don't lose weight quick, so it will take me awhile. I get weighed on a Monday, so from tomorrow I AM going to stick to this time!!

    Hopefully we can all support each other along the way, I know I would really appreciate it.

    Thanks for listening to me waffle on, and good luck to everyone!

    Jen xx

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    Hi jefna, well done for loosing 8 and a half pounds in the first place, thats really good.

    It's definately more the merrier in here, its so helpful to have the support of others that are going through it too.

    Hope this weekend hasn't been too bad, good luck with your weigh in tomorrow, let us know how it goes.

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  • Jefna
    Beginner September 2005
    Jefna ·
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    Thanks so much Mad.

    I'm not hopeful for tomorrow's wi, but hopefully it will give me the kick up the bum I need!

    Thanks again and good luck to you

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  • Batfink
    Beginner January 2008
    Batfink ·
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    Hi Jefna! Well done on your weight loss so far, it's probably much harder to lose when you've only got a few pounds to go, so well done on what you've lost so far.

    Just noticed someone (Mad?) asked if I felt like I'd lost before the weigh in, no if anything I felt bigger! I felt smaller yesterday, but this weekend has been a nightmare! The wedding was fab but it was a sit down meal with no choices, so went totally off plan there, but all I had for breakfast was a grapefuit and I didn't eat in the evening, then we went to the bride and grooms last night for a post wedding celebration and they'd ordered loads of pizza ? so that was that. I'm too embarassed to tell people I'm on SW, it makes me awkward to invite for dinner, and draws peoples attention to my weight! Is anyone else having this problem?

    On the plus side, I have nothing coming up over the next 3/4 weeks that will get in my way, so I'm going to try really hard. I think for the rest of the week I'll try to eat mainly super free and super speed foods to try and either maintain or lose a pound. I was good weds-fri, and if I stick to it today-weds I should be ok shouldn't I? <Hopeful icon> I can't see myself putting on 6 1/2 pounds this weekend anyway.

    How was everones weekends?

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    I'm exactly the same batfink, there's my hubby one friend and my mum who know I'm doing slimming world as i;m too shy to tell anyone else. Unfortunately it's not going to be easy the next few weeks, we're away visiting the inlaws this weekend (with lots of running round to see friends too), then there's our anniversary, then we have a friends wedding. I'm just gong to try my best not to eat a load of rubbish inbetween. Fingers crossed.

    You did fantastically with your weight loss last week so I'm sure you'll be fine. i just keep thinking that although i;ve eaten for special occasions i;ve been good at the other times. and i;ve not eaten the usual mountain of biscuits and chocolate and crisps i would usually have, so its better than it could be.

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  • Jefna
    Beginner September 2005
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    Thanks for the welcome Batfink!

    I'm the same as you both, I hadn't told anyone apart from my hubby, my parent's and my IL's that I was on SW. That was until I found out there were 3 other people at work also doing it, and now we help each other.

    I think it was down to the fact that I couldn't bare having people ask me every week how I had done, and having to tell them I had put weight on etc ? But I'm over that now, and I think most of my friends know.

    Well I've just got back from WI and I lost 1lb, which I was very surprised at after the weekend I've had.

    Mad - it's awful when you have loads of events coming up isn't, but enjoy yourself!

    Lots of luck to everyone

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    Well done jefna, a pound is brilliant.

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  • Jefna
    Beginner September 2005
    Jefna ·
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    Thank you.

    Wow, I can't believe how motivated I am just from joining this thread!

    What are we all having to eat today?

    I'm on a red day. I've had a plate full of scrambled eggs for breakfast, made with half my milk allowance (will use the other half throughout the day in my tea) and some melon. I normally have special k sustain for breakfast, so trying something different to kick start my weight loss.

    I'm having bowyers sausages sliced up with a tin of chopped toms, bacon and mushrooms for lunch, and I've just bunged some beef, onions and carrots in the slow cooker for tea tonight, and I'll have that with a jacket pot (HeB) and lots of veg. I'll snack on fruit and a mullerlight. I'll probably also have 2 x alpen light bars so that I have both my HeB's

    Jen x

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    That sounds good jefna

    I;ve had a mullerlight and banana this morning.

    for lunch I'm having a large salad sandwich with quorn, 2 LC triangles, and some low fat dressing

    for tea I;m not sure yet, I might try a quorn (not chicken) curry.

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  • Jefna
    Beginner September 2005
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    Ooh you'll have to let us know how the quorn curry turns out if that's what you have, I like the sound of that

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  • gemgems
    gemgems ·
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    Well done Jefna.

    I have had a terrible few days, I have been bingeing today and drunk way too much last night but like someone else said I am trying to be good the rest of the time so I hope I can counter the damage.

    Weigh in for me tomorrow and I hope to have lost 1lb or STS. I have quite a few celebrations over the next week but will be trying very hard to stick with it as I am only putting myself back. Had I not peed about with losing weight I would be at my ideal weight by now instead of starting over again! I am going to knock the alcohol on the head too as this is one of my biggest downfalls, I drink too much then I want to eat cack all the time then once I think I have blown the diet I dont try and think oh well its already blown I will eat all this choc/huge bag of crisps etc which I have to stop doing as one slip up doesnt mean the whole week has gone to pot.

    I am telling everyone that I have re-joined SW as its easier for me to say no to certain foods without people moaning (and they know in advance and I can make myself something different or they can make me something different if they know what I can have etc).

    Sorry for rambling (again). Anyone else weighing in tomorrow (Wednesday)?

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    Good lukc with your way in tomorrow gemgems.

    we all sabotage ourselves, it's amazing how similar we all are. If i go a little bit mad, I end up going completely over the top and eating huge bars of choc. but i;ve done ok so far. I have had to cut out all chocolate, because I can;t just stop at a little bit.

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
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    Yipee, 2lbs off. Hugely relieved after my two meals out last week.

    Juts got to contend with a weekend away this week.

    I was sat next to some woman today who was telling me she;d drunk loads at the weekend and then just eaten pineapple on monday and she'd lost 5lbs, and thats what I should do. Hmmm. I think I'll stick to the sw plan and feel full rather than eating pineapple till it comes out of my ears.

    How is everyone else doing?

    The curry last night went well, it was the chicken curry from the website, i altered it a little and used quorn instead of chicken so it was just half a syn due to the stock cube (green day).

    has anyone tried scanbran yet?

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  • Batfink
    Beginner January 2008
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    Well done on the 2lbs Mad, that's fab news.

    I'm doing fine now the weekend is over, but am rather scared about WI tonight. Fingers crossed for no gain after my weekend of gluttony!

    What is scanbran & where do you get it from?

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
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    You'll be fine I'm sure. Let us know how it goes.

    I got the scn bran from class, i think it can be used like ryvita. Its mentioned in the Healthy extras, you can have 5 for a HE b. I think you can crumble it up for coating things, and I think there's a recipe on the website for a cake make with it too.

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  • Batfink
    Beginner January 2008
    Batfink ·
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    Well done on the 2lbs Mad, that's fab news.

    I'm doing fine now the weekend is over, but am rather scared about WI tonight. Fingers crossed for no gain after my weekend of gluttony!

    What is scanbran & where do you get it from?

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
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    Well done ladies. I really don't want to go tonight as i had 2 meals on the weekend. I really feel i haven't lost anything and it would be so embarrassing to have gained in my 2nd week

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  • Batfink
    Beginner January 2008
    Batfink ·
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    Well done on the 2lbs Mad, that's fab news.

    I'm doing fine now the weekend is over, but am rather scared about WI tonight. Fingers crossed for no gain after my weekend of gluttony!

    What is scanbran & where do you get it from?

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  • gemgems
    gemgems ·
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    Well done Mad.

    I weighed in this morning and was surprised to have lost 2lbs even though we had a few meals out and I had a bit of self-sabotaging too. Am very happy though.

    The only thing I used to do with scanbran is to break it all up and have it as a bottom to my jelly (like you would with trifle fingers). I must say I would NEVER eat it like a ryvita as it would break my teeth its pretty hard and an acquired taste!

    Glad your curry was nice, I was thinking of trying it too (either chicken or quorn).

    I have finally sorted out childcare for my 2 little ones so I can go back to class on Tuesday morning yay. Am looking forward to it and i know it will also help keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Good luck to anyone else weighing in today.

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  • Jefna
    Beginner September 2005
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    Well done Mad and Gemgems - 2lbs is fantastic!

    I think I might try that curry, and use quorn like you did. I like to try different things as I get bored easily!

    I haven't attempted scanbran yet ? but I've heard you can use it in lots of things, maybe as a base for a cheesecake?

    I've had another good day today, so I'm going to try and keep it up and not blow things at the weekend (easier said then done!)

    lots of luck to those who have wi's soon

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
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    2lbs off for me this week so 6lbs in total. Surprised really with the rubbish weekend i had. Had slimmer of the week too

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    Well done spring, thats really good.

    And well done for slimmer of the week, do you get as prize for it?

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    Gemgems...I;m so sorry I seemed to miss you again.

    Well done on your 2lbs. If anyone else has tried any of the recipes let us know how they go.

    a note for the curry. i added in a couple of peppers to bulk it out a bit.

    I tried the chicken chow main tonight (but quorn instead), it was really yummy.

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  • Jefna
    Beginner September 2005
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    That's a fantastic loss Spring - you must be so chuffed!

    I've tried a few recipes. I made the spaghetti carbonara which was really nice, the burgers which I absolutely love, so does my H! I've made the chicken kievs (wrapped in bacon rather than breadcrumbs) we had them tonight actually.

    I tried the mushroom risotto from the recent mag but I wasn't keen, and also the sweet pepper soup, which tasted ok but was a bit watery

    I love chow mein Mad so will have to try that soon, thanks

    Anyone have any favourites?

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
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    Yeah i had a certificate and a sticker ? and some tuna, chilli mix and some chickpea stuff ?. Can't wait to win that again ?

    All this food sounds yummy. The SW chips are lush by the way. Good for your chip fix

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