My wife had a severe reaction to her first engagement ring, then it cleared up and she gradually started wearing it again, and then after we got married it flared up and she hasn’t been able to wear that or the wedding ring since. Her finger goes angrily raw and scaley and it takes about 6 weeks each time to heal, we’ve tried all sorts of creams but nothing speeds up the healing. When she tries to wear it again, she always takes them off for hand washing etc. and at night. She’s so careful.
My wife had a severe reaction to her first engagement ring, then it cleared up and she gradually started wearing it again, and then after we got married it flared up and she hasn’t been able to wear that or the wedding ring since. Her finger goes angrily raw and scaley and it takes about 6 weeks each time to heal, we’ve tried all sorts of creams but nothing speeds up the healing. When she tries to wear it again, she always takes them off for hand washing etc. and at night. She’s so careful.
Everything I have read has said it’s a Nickle allergy, even to the point where the allergy can flare up randomly, and seem to ‘disappear’ randomly. Even the pictures of the rashes I’ve seen online look the same. We planned to get her rings dipped in Rhodium – apparently that helps so there is no contact with the white gold.
She rang a jeweller and he has said that it’s now illegal (!!?) for white gold to contain nickel and it therefore won’t be a nickel allergy?? He's suggested it will be where it's damp. I don't believe that at all. Skin irritation from dampness doesn't flare up like hers did and then not go away for 6+ weeks!
Anyone know anything? Google’s not being too helpful.