We are having 20 kids to our day and although we have a children's entertainer she's only up until the night do so I've nabbed this camera challenge idea off here and just started thinking about it. I've already bought some disposable cameras.. Going to print the challenges off via Vistaprint and do little tick boxes so they can see which bit they've completed... Also I'm going to put the kids into teams. So far I've got:
1. A picture of your team! (so I can identify who's pictures are who's haha)
2. Someone eating a cup cake
3. A lady dancing
4. The bride
5. The groom
6. Flowers
7. Your family
8. A man with a beard (the only one we've got is OHs brother who is hugely grumpy so will love 20 kids taking pictures of him tee hee!)
Anymore ideas? I think the cameras have 26 pictures on them so could do with a few more...