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Beginner July 2015

Kilts, honest opinions needed!

lilbeth, 3 March, 2015 at 19:00 Posted on Planning 0 20

I would like your brutally honest opinions, please, because I know you are good at sharing them!

This might be a bit of a rant so I apologise.

I am English, lovely OH is Scottish. All his family are expected to wear kilts and I know his immediate family are going to as we purchased them last week. Some of my guests have expressed an interest in wearing a kilt too as they think it would be a new experience and they would like to have a go. I was a little worried that the Scots would not approve but after talking to the OH's lot they think it is a great idea and are not insulted at all and think it'll be fab to have them trying it out. If people have asked we have advised to hire the flower of Scotland tartan as it is general one, matches with the OH's kilt well and isn't tied to a particular family.

Now my brother and his best mate, who are both ushers, have both been keen on trying a kilt out. So we had a look and found some prices and agreed that as they are our ushers we would pay for their hire.

Now my Dad is not keen. He doesn't want to wear a kilt and is determined it is insulting to the Scottish. (Despite us telling him everyone in the north is more than happy and quite pleased that people want to give it a go). So he has spoken to my brother who now feels guilty and thinks he should wear a suit.

I understand that my Dad might feel odd in a suit when everyone else is wearing a kilt. But from my point of view, it is our wedding and when else will they get the chance? Yes the family picture of me, my brother, dad and mum might look slightly odd but if it is just the top halves then nobody would see the kilt anyway as OH is going for Argyll jackets which are the same length as normal jackets. The grooms men photos would look odd if both ushers are in suits and groom and best man are in kilts.

In my opinion, if they want to wear a kilt then that is all good and we will pay. It is our wedding and if they want to give it a go then I'm all for it.

Dad doesn't want to be the odd one out but will NOT wear a kilt.

Im getting stressed because I don't particularly want to pay for a suit if they don't want to wear one and OH is getting stressed because I am getting cross at my parents for interfering without talking to me.

Does anyone have any advice? Please tell me if I am being an unreasonable git and if possible the magic solution to all this!

Thank you!

20 replies

Latest activity by ericrobert, 14 January, 2025 at 16:49
  • M
    Beginner August 2015
    Manda79 ·
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    Let dad wear a suit and ushers kilts. The pictures are for you and your families pleasure-I don't think it'd look odd anyway. They all need to feel comfortable

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Tell Dad if he doesn't want to wear a kilt he doesn't have to.

    Tell brother not to feel guilty, it's his choice to wear a kilt and you're really happy he's made that decision.

    Then just let it go ?

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  • Daisy Bell
    Beginner August 2015
    Daisy Bell ·
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    My OH isnmt Scottish but has lived here since he was 13. I'm German. We're getting married in Scotland. He said he'd wear a kilt if I want him to but I said nah, I know his only experience wearing one was for a school dance and it traumatised him. Smiley winking

    I'd say let everyone wear what they want. If your dad is happier in a suit let him. Everyone who wants to wear a kilt can wear one and those who want to wear a suit wear a suit.

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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  • M
    Beginner October 2015
    MrsFRtobe ·
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    Let your dad wear a suit but maybe with a co-ordinating tie to match the kilts? Im struggling to get my dad to buy a new suit, so its looking like he will be in his smart 'funeral' suit!


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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    Firstly let me say I am Scottish and have been to lots of weddings in Scotland. And at each and every one there have been some men in kilts and some men not... Even within the bridal party. And not once have I thought it looked strange. So I would say let your dad wear a suit and let everyone else wear kilts if they want. It'll all look fab! I love a man in a kilt! There is an alternative though - do you think your dad might be willing to compromise and wear tartan trews? That way he could have the same shirt and jacket as the others and tartan on the bottom half without feeling like he's offending anyone? My cousins OH didn't feel he could pull off a kilt for some reason so wore the trews instead and he looked awesome!

    something like this

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  • C
    Beginner July 2015
    celticcurl ·
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    My OH is wearing his Clans original tartan - ancient weathered (just like him?). As far as we know no-one else will be wearing a kilt. His sister is his best woman and she is wearing a dress that co-ordinates with the kilt and he's not having groomsmen. We have ordered my dad a tie in the same tartan but we're not sure how it will look with his suit but if it goes he is happy to wear it.

    Tell your dad he doesn't have to wear a kilt but it is not fair of him to try to influence others. In my experience people of other cultures are always chuffed if guests honour their culture by wearing the relevant dress - I went to a hindu ceremony in a sari and got lots of compliments.

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  • lilbeth
    Beginner July 2015
    lilbeth ·
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    Thank you everyone. The thought of my Dad in trews makes me laugh, it's a great compromise but my Dad couldn't pull it off!

    He has agreed to let the ushers decide on what they want to wear. Although he still has concerns he's taking a step back.

    Thanks again.

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    Like others have said your Dad won't look out of place, my Dad refuses to wear the same suit as the rest of the grooms party - no idea why he doesn't like grey apparently - fine by me! Your Dad won't look out of place.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Ha! Trews are officially hilarious! Glad your dad has chilled out, I think a mix will look great.

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  • T
    Beginner September 2015
    tash&ste ·
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    My family is English, H2b and his lot are Scottish but because most of the male guests in the wedding party are from my partners side it will be mostly kilts and a few suits.We are just tying the colours together with matching cravats and all of the men will have thistle buttonholes. Never really thought about how it would look in photos. I've seen photos of weddings with the male members of the bridal party in a mix of suits and kilts, they've looked great. Tell your dad he'll be fine in a suit! :-)

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    Late to the party but I hate kilts- sorry! As for the men all matching, none of ours did and our wedding was awesome. Chill out, who wants everything exactly the same down to the last detail anyway?!

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  • onethousandwords
    onethousandwords ·
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    As a wedding photographer I have worked at hundreds of 'kilted' weddings, where guests will wear a 'Universal' tartan. The only time I have seen a Scottish guest object is when a guest accidentally wore his traditional clan tarten. I should note that these two guests ended up the best of friends after drinking the bar dry of wiskey! I have my own clan tartan and am used to seeing guests unknowingly wearing it!

    You should go with what ever makes you and your OH happy, If you father would find it uncomfortable then don't ask him to wear a kilt, he wont be the only one. It's your big day and if you want guests to wear kilts then let them.

    If anyone objects then you can always remind them that kilts are infact an Irish invention (sorry gramps!)

    More info here: and here ht


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  • M
    Beginner August 2015
    MrsFitt2B ·
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    I would say, let everyone where what they want to wear.

    I am Scottish and half of our Wedding will be kilted and the other half not. (Well, I'm guessing not. OH is English but a kilt is still on his short-list.) I hadn't thought about how the photos will look and now I have, I'm still not worried!

    As a Scottish person I would not be in the slightest bit upset with non-Scottish people wearing the kilt, in fact I actively encourage it. I must admit, I do love a man in a kilt!

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  • S
    Beginner May 2015
    sarahm66 ·
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    Totally empathise with your position - I had the same dilemma. OH's father was Scottish and his brother married in the family tartan/kilt two years ago and OH was determined since to be married in the same family tartan. My poor Dad is bandy legged and even contemplating putting him in a kilt was not an option. Fortunately the other men in the wedding party were easy going so they are all in black three piece suits (apart from OH brother who will obviously be wearing his kilt). When we had OH's kilt made we got some extra material and our button holes will be tied with a bit of the tartan to bring in the theme. But I fundamentally agree with the other comments - let them wear what they're comfortable in.

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  • H
    HappyYellowConfetti4837 ·
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    Customkilt is good (my opinion)?

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  • H
    Rockstar June 2020
    HappyBlueCars582 ·
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    I’m Scottish and have been to lots of weddings where some men wear kilts and others don’t but I love kilts. So much more fun than boring suits! Are you having a ceilidh too?

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  • H
    HappyYellowConfetti4837 ·
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    Ok customkilt

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  • L
    Dedicated June 2019
    LuxuriousPurpleBridesmaid73066 ·
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    My husband and I are both half Scottish and half English but husband sounds Scottish and I sound English. Husband didn’t want to wear a kilt to our wedding. My brother and my brother in law who is half English and half French both wore kilts to our wedding and nobody was in the least bit offended. My brother in law and his father who’s English wore kilts to his wedding too. You wear what you’re comfortable in.

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  • ericrobert
    New Jersey
    ericrobert ·
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    It sounds like you're in a tough spot, but your feelings are completely valid. It’s your wedding day, and it’s wonderful that your brother and his friend want to embrace the Scottish tradition of wearing kilts. While your dad may feel more comfortable in a suit, it’s important to respect everyone's preferences. Maybe you could find a way for everyone to feel comfortable—your dad in his suit, and the others in kilts—while still honoring the spirit of the day. Ultimately, the most important thing is that everyone is happy and enjoys the celebration!

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