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Curious September 2022 Cambridgeshire

Lack of Response Getting Me Down

Lisa, 18 of September of 2021 at 20:39 Posted on Etiquette and Advice 0 4
This is more of a rant but advice also appreciated. We started planning our wedding around July time. Mostly it's been fine and we've managed to source some (hopefully) great vendors.

Our venue has always been really poor at communicating and replying, but I put this down to time of year/Covid, and lack of experience on their part, and we booked anyway because the place was really right for us.
Over the last few weeks the lack of response from vendors is really getting me down. We want to get everything firmed up, deposits paid, so we can get everything finalised and get our budget on track ready for our September 2022 wedding.
I'm a stickler for good communication and customer service because of my job, and I've tried to be patient but honestly the lack of responses is making me worried and making the process frustrating, and a bit upsetting, and is taking off the shine.
At this point, our venue hasn't replied for nearly 4 weeks in confirming our second October viewing for finalising things. The post-wedding venue we want to have a reception at a couple of days later said they'd send paperwork to get things finalised, that was 7 weeks ago (I've chased in between). The caterer we liked the look of has had 2 emails, and taken 2 of my calls over the last 4 weeks, but just said she's busy, and hasn't replied when she said she would.
Some vendors have been great, but they're the minority. I'm tired. I'm tired of chasing people, emailing, worrying. I feel like a couple of weeks extra to respond in the current climate seems reasonable, but we're at 4-7 weeks with some. Is this just me being impatient?

4 replies

Latest activity by Lisa, 19 of September of 2021 at 18:43
  • Louise
    Rockstar March 2022 Devon
    Louise ·
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    It can be so frustrating can't it! My venue however has been amazing, but I am having trouble with caterers and cake makers. could you try just turning up there? Have u tried calling different times of day that might seem more when someone is about I.e. not during any usual food service times etc. When you do get to speak to them, try to contain it but talk to them firmly so they know this is the stage before you blow! I would probably just go there if it wasn't too out of the way and demand the person by name and if they weren't there then the next best person who can help (sometimes it's as simple as speaking to the right person- the number of times I've been sent back and forth for days/weeks on end for certain problems with companies and suddenly someone who knows what their doing says "oh OK, all done" 😤) fingers crossed for u!
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  • Charlotte
    VIP April 2022 Wiltshire
    Charlotte ·
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    I would be concerned that their lack of response sets the tone for your ongoing relationship with them. Yes it is busy but is not hard to send a quick reply to explain and give you a time for full response, even if that is weeks it is courteous to at least acknowledge. Hy H2B is a stickler for good communication and we have decided against some vendors due to this as it leaves us un trusting of their commitment. I would email and say you want a reply by a set date or will be looking elsewhere, if they want your business they should be working for it
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  • Lisa
    Curious September 2022 Cambridgeshire
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    Thank you for your advice! Unfortunately the venue is quite far from us, and ran (it seems) by a single person. I will try calling, I just feel like a bother, which is frustrating. We've found another caterer I think now, so that just leaves the party venue - it's a local village hall type thing ran by volunteers, so no turning up/calling, but I might try the parish council if I don't get a response to my 3rd email. It's hard work isn't it!

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  • Lisa
    Curious September 2022 Cambridgeshire
    Lisa ·
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    Thank you. The venue is all booked now, so no going back there, so I just have to suck it up with them I think, as their communication has been poor from the start, so in some ways we should have known what we were getting into. A part of me wonders, as we're having a micro-wedding there, if we're just further down the priority list because we're not spending a vast amount of money with them, maybe we're just less important.

    We've found another caterer now, so that one's lost out. The party venue is a local village hall type thing ran by volunteers, so that's trickier but I'm sure we'll get there with local resources.

    I just didn't know if I was being too harsh/demanding, it's happened so much, and I know Covid plays it's part, and busy season is here, but it's really taking the shine off things!

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