So me and my partner have been together 6 years and engaged for 2 years. We want to get married in 2021 as I want to be 21 years old when we get married. Anyway, we are currently in a long distance relationship, I'm currently spending half of my time at home in South Wales, UK and the other half at my partners in Newcastle, Although planning on moving in permanently with her at the end of this year/beginning of next. There is a 300 mile difference and we are struggling on deciding a place to get married.
What would you do in our situation? Do we just find a place in the middle or just decide on either of our home locations, I just don't want our family falling out or getting upset if we choose the others town if you get what I mean? Also tips on cheapish weddings will be much appreciated as we wont have lots and lots of cash!
Thank you!