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Expert June 2017

Long overdue and very long flash Wedding Report! 03-06-17

Mrs_Conduct, 28 of October of 2017 at 18:49 Posted on Planning 0 11

Wedding Report

Wednesday 31st May

I was really nervous, and anxious about everything. We took a lot of our wedding things to Mytton Fold ready for them to set up on the Saturday. I’m so glad we did this, it really alleviated the stress knowing lots was there ready for us. It also freed up a LOT of room in the house which was very welcome!

Thursday 1st June

My last day in work as a Miss. I’d toyed with the idea of booking a half day, as even though I was starting to relax I still felt like I had a hell of a lot to do still. I got into work to find a nice surprise on my desk, I worked with one of my bridesmaids and she wanted to see me off properly!

I was on cloud nine, happy smiley and giggley at work. I bought everyone in the office cream cakes and made lots of brews! It got to abut 12pm and my manager told me to go home because I was far too happy to be in the office!

I left to office and wasn’t sure what to do with myself. I decided to nip into town to get the last few bits, and a couple of things for honeymoon. I ended up meeting my SIL (and bridesmaid) and my niece for coffee and cake. I think this is one of the best decisions I made! All the stress slipped away, it was so nice and normal – it was so nice to take some time out from the wedding craziness.

After town I headed to my dress shop, which conviniantly has a beauty salon next door. I picked up my dress and checked it over, and somehow manged to fit it into my car (it filled the entire boot!) I had my nails done, and had a last minute leg wax. I went strsight from there (with very red legs) to Slimming World for a final weigh in, I lost 2.5lbs which made me even happier! At home Dan and I enjoyed our last night tofether as singletons with take away and TV. I wrote him lists of what he needed to take to his parents the next day and then went to bed.

Friday 2nd June

Thanks to amazing university timing Dan had an exam the day before the wedding. But, we also had to take the cat to catteries and I wasn’t doing it on my own! So we were up bright and early to round her up and take her. It was about an hour round trip, but Dan was worrying so much about his exam it seemed to last at least three! Once Dan left the house, I had a shower and did my final beauty prep. I packed my bags again (just to be sure), loaded everything into my car and then chilled with a brew and daytime TV waiting for my MOH to arrive. Again, it was lovely to have some normal time. I haven’t got a clue what I watched though, I was certainly in my own little bubble. I wasn’t nervous at all at this point, I’d done everything I needed to. Except write my Mum’s card, I’d bought a personalised one and somehow managed to misplace it in the house. Usually this would make me a bit frantic but I knew it would turn up even if it was a bit late.

I headed to the venue at about 2pm with my MOH in convoy. I’ve driven to my venue so many times during planning, but I managed to take a wrong turn and had to go down the motorway an extra junction, but I just laughed and sang along to more music! I unloaded my car and checked in, and then my MOH had to leave to sort out some things. There was one point when I went into my room, when lots of family appeared in there too which I felt very overwhelmed. Thankfully they all drifted off pretty quickly. Me and my mum went to Tesco to grab some food and I had my only melt down and shouted a bit. I felt awful afterwards, but mum laughed and said she was amazed I’d made it that far without a stress meltdown.

Family and friends arrived steadily through the afternoon, lots of people were staying 2 nights due to the timings of our day, and it was lovely having a drink and a chat. Dan came to see me and bring a couple of things and it was nice to see him relaxed after his exam. Our flowers were then delivered and I was completely overwhelmed they were absolutely stunning.

They included everything I loved. A friend did my flowers and I didn’t really give any instruction other than that I wanted irises, purple, yellow and white, and I wanted everything to be in season. She really outdid herself, they were gorgeous and everyone commented on them.

Dan headed back and I had tea with my family. About 8:30pm all of my bridesmaids came to my room and we had some fizz and a chat. I ended up staying up a little too late (midnight) and probably drank a little too much. But, I had an amazing night!

Saturday 3rd June – Wedding Day

Pre Ceremony

Hair and makeup were set to arrive at 6am and I was wide awake at 5:20am without the need for my alarm. I woke up to see the sun shining through the opening in the curtains where my dress was hung and jumped out of bed for a coffee. I was a little hungover to be honest!

At 5:45am there was a knock at the door and I was greeted by a bridesmaid bringing fizz and bride to be slippers! My other 4 bridesmaids all arrived and we chatted and drank coffee.

6am my hair and makeup ladies arrived, and I was soon reminded why I booked them! There were lots of us to do and not much time so I had 3 ladies, one for me, one for hair and one for makeup. There was a mix up the night before about whether or not my mum was having her hair and makeup done, but I was told it was all sorted which was such a relief! There was me, 5 bridesmaid and my mum all to get ready and they made it seem easy! I had made a playlist for the morning and I was so glad I did, it was filled with classics like Must Be Love and Nice Day for a White Wedding. Everyone commented on it, and there were a few impromptu singalongs! I was so relaxed, and I really didn’t expect to feel like that. I couldn’t stop smiling!

At 8am my photographer arrived and it started to feel even more real! The hair and makeup ladies got us ready in plenty of time and by 9am we were all ready and it was time to get in my dress.

One of my favourite photos from the day haha!!

All my bridesmaids left to help guests get on the vintage bus we’d booked and it was time for my dad to see me for the first time. At this point I will say I am a crier. I cry at every wedding I attend, even when they’re Dan’s friends I don’t really know! I was sure when I saw my dad that I would bawl, but I didn’t I just smiled and giggled and that pretty much set the mood for the day!

It was time for me to go down to my car, but there were a couple of lingering guests in the corridors. I saw my younger step sister, and I think it showed just how relaxed I was that the first thing I said to her was “I love your dress please can I borrow it!”

I had to hang around a bit in the corridors waiting for the guest’s bus to leave, a little later than planned as someone had overslept. But I was worried at all, my Dad was beside himself worrying about traffic and getting there on time. I was just happy my wedding car and driver were there, and they both looked amazing! I’d had my heart set on a big American classic car but it had been extremely hard to find. It was the first time I saw my hard work paying off when I walked outside to see it. She really is a beauty!!!

I can’t quite remember the drive to the venue. It passed in a blissful blur. Dad and I chatted about rubbish, I sent a selfie to some friends, and I just enjoyed being in my dream car! I remember dad asking me if I was sure jokingly and I just laughed, he cried and told me how happy for me he was.

Once we arrived at the ceremony venue I felt a small pang of nerves. There were guests still milling around outside so the staff got them all inside. One of my friends mum’s was outside to see me arrive as she’d dropped her off, and this almost made me cry. I was touched! The moment changed when a local park run group started clapping and cheering me and then I got a fit of the giggles! I was taken around the back of the venue into a courtyard and was greeted by my bridesmaids and our groomsmen. I did cry a little at this point, it hit me that it was real, that I would soon be seeing my boy and that he would be becoming my husband!

I was taken in to see the registrar and all my nerves faded, I knew Dan was just through the door and I wanted to see him. They told me he was really nervous which I didn’t expect, and I fell in love with him even more! I confirmed my Dads job title as ‘Sales Manager’ and when they asked sales of what I looked blankly and said ‘cheese’ the lady tried to correct me to dairy but I said ‘no it’s just cheese’, me and Dad started laughing. They said they’d make sure cheese was stated on the register!!

Then I was taken up the servant’s staircase, which was a feat in itself as it wasn’t meant for dresses the size of mine. At the top of the stairs everyone was getting very nervous about walking down the stairs and I just couldn’t stop giggling.

Soon enough the music started (Ramones – Baby I Love You) and it was time to walk down the stairs. The bridesmaid and groomsmen went down first and then it was mine and Dad’s turn. He was so nervous and kept crying! As soon as I saw Dan I smiled from ear to ear. He looked so nervous stood there on his own. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I did a little punch into the air and said yey I’ve made it without falling, and our guests laughed. Dan has said sincehe was worried as I was so giggly and he didn’t expect me to be like that. I didn’t expect to be so relaxed, I’m usually so stressed it took me by surprised. But honesty I was just so happy. Earlier in the morning the company providing the bus had called to say the bus we’d booked wasn’t available and they’d have to send a different one. Prior to that day I’d have been annoyed, but on that day I couldn’t have cared less!

Here’s my crazy smile:

My Dad handed my hand to Dan, but forgot to take his hand away, it was such a great moment. Just the three of us, like there was no one else there, just laughing and smiling.

The ceremony passed in a blur. Only a couple of things have stuck. My younger step sister (with the amazing dress) was doing a reading (Winnie the Pooh), she made it two lines in and then became emotional. Without even thinking I moved to stand next to her, put my arm round her and encouraged her to carry on. When it became clear she couldn’t I took the card and read it. At the end she gave me a big kiss on the cheek, forgetting she had red lipstick on!

Dan’s vows were a mix of song lyrics, and this made every giggle at times. It was the most relaxed and funny wedding ceremony I have ever seen, and it was exactly what we wanted. Every bit of it was us, from the music, to little jokes, to Dan getting confused and offering me the wrong hand for his ring!

When we left the ceremony we waited outside the doors and had a receiving line. I am so glad we did this. It gave us a chance to speak to everyone and to give everyone a hug.

We did our confetti photos, which are amazing, our wedding party photos and then Dan’s side of the family photos. This was great, but it did mean we missed the canapes meaning I was flipping starving! We went down near the lake for photos, and lots of children were playing and started to shout congratulations. One little boy said congradumalations, which his brother quickly corrected, it was so cute! We managed to get the last couple of canapes and then joined our guests in the courtyard for a drink, chat and a group photo.

We then went upstairs to have a couple of photos done. I am so glad we chose Astley Hall it is such a beautiful place, and we really felt part of history.

We then headed back to the reception venue leaving our guests to get back on their bus. It was amazing driving through the park with people waving and shouting well wishes. The drive back was amazing, chance for us to chat, and catch up on each others mornings! We got back to the reception venue ahead of everyone and had chance to enjoy a bottle of Corona each in the sunshine!

We had yet more photos, my cheeks started to ache, but thankfully this time someone sent a waitress in our direction!

Wedding Breakfast

Stood waiting to be announced into the room for the wedding breakfast was the most nerve wracking part of the day. I have no idea why but this bit really hit me. Dan and his best man did their speeches before the meal, and they were both amazing. The perfect balance of funny and sentimental.

The food was delicious! Smoked chicken ceaser salad, lamb shank and lemon tart for pudding. It was so nice! The venue were amazing, a couple of guests refused to eat the lamb but they quickly got them a replacements.

Dad’s speech made me a little emotional, he told funny stories about my childhood, and stories about Dan and I together. It was perfect!!


After the meal people mingled, and a couple went to check in. I went back to our room for a quick freshen up, and then we had more photos! I then sat in the bar with friends playing board games we’d put out. Before I knew it our evening guests were arriving. It soon became clear that whilst having the many photographs taken in the day I’d caught the sun, as this is the first thing most people said to me! It was so nice to see how all the little things we’d planed come together!

(Don’t have a photo from the day unfortunately) and it won't let me upload the right way round!

Dan’s favourite bit – Pork Pie Cake. Although neither of us got any!

Soon it was our first dance, Stealers Wheel – Stuck in the Middle With You. I was a bit nervous about this, it was a bit hard to move in my dress by this point and my feet were killing me.

Our DJ (Guy Barker) was great at revving up the room, we entered to cheers from everyone and then and we cut our cake.

And then we moved into the middle of the room and the song started, the venue whipped our cake away without us even noticing and then we danced. It was fantastic and I even managed a twirl or two in my dress which I was very happy with.

This was followed by a father daughter dance; Cher – Walking in Memphis. In the run up I couldn’t decide if I was going to do one or not, but I’m so so glad we did. It was great to spend a few minutes with my Dad chatting and dancing, almost a de-brief of the day ?

The band then kicked in for about an hour and a half. At half 9 I did a very short speech, thanked everyone for coming and asked everyone to go outside for a surprise for all our guests. Everyone was very intrigued and filed out of the room. We all congigated outside and then our firework display started. I didn’t cry all day, but as soon as the first firework exploded I started crying. It was just so perfect, the whole day had been absolutely perfect.

We continued dancing with our friends to the band and it was great. At about 10:30pm however I could barely move in my dress anymore, and even with my converse on I was struggling to get about, and I couldn’t enjoy the night as much as I wanted to. So, I got changed into my jeans! I kno this will probably horrify some, and it certainly horrified my mum, but I’m so glad I did it. I could move, eat and drink! My only regret from the day is not buying a second dress. I nearly had so many times and I really wish for the sake of £30 I’d done it!

Our reception did go on to 1am, and our plan was to stay until the end. But, at 11pm we were both flagging after such a long day. So, at 12am we had our last dance; Queen – Bohemian Rhaspsody all our friends gathered around us and sang and danced, and headbanged! It was so perfect, the absolutely perfect end to a perfect day.

We went back to our room, and got in bed and….. watched rubbish on BBC4 and fell asleep cuddling absolutely shattered!

When we went for breakfast the next morning we found out that the guests who had been on the bus at 9:30am were the last to go to bed! I was worried about an early ceremony, but actually it meant we made the most of the day and we are both so glad we did!

We packed up our things from the venue, headed home, napped, and then packed like crazy for a 2.5 week American roadtrip honeymoon!!

I’m sorry this was so long – I hope I didn’t put you to sleep!!

Wedding Report

Wednesday 31st May

I was really nervous, and anxious about everything. We took a lot of our wedding things to Mytton Fold ready for them to set up on the Saturday. I’m so glad we did this, it really alleviated the stress knowing lots was there ready for us. It also freed up a LOT of room in the house which was very welcome!

Thursday 1st June

My last day in work as a Miss. I’d toyed with the idea of booking a half day, as even though I was starting to relax I still felt like I had a hell of a lot to do still. I got into work to find a nice surprise on my desk, I worked with one of my bridesmaids and she wanted to see me off properly!

I was on cloud nine, happy smiley and giggley at work. I bought everyone in the office cream cakes and made lots of brews! It got to abut 12pm and my manager told me to go home because I was far too happy to be in the office!

I left to office and wasn’t sure what to do with myself. I decided to nip into town to get the last few bits, and a couple of things for honeymoon. I ended up meeting my SIL (and bridesmaid) and my niece for coffee and cake. I think this is one of the best decisions I made! All the stress slipped away, it was so nice and normal – it was so nice to take some time out from the wedding craziness.

After town I headed to my dress shop, which conviniantly has a beauty salon next door. I picked up my dress and checked it over, and somehow manged to fit it into my car (it filled the entire boot!) I had my nails done, and had a last minute leg wax. I went strsight from there (with very red legs) to Slimming World for a final weigh in, I lost 2.5lbs which made me even happier! At home Dan and I enjoyed our last night tofether as singletons with take away and TV. I wrote him lists of what he needed to take to his parents the next day and then went to bed.

Friday 2nd June

Thanks to amazing university timing Dan had an exam the day before the wedding. But, we also had to take the cat to catteries and I wasn’t doing it on my own! So we were up bright and early to round her up and take her. It was about an hour round trip, but Dan was worrying so much about his exam it seemed to last at least three! Once Dan left the house, I had a shower and did my final beauty prep. I packed my bags again (just to be sure), loaded everything into my car and then chilled with a brew and daytime TV waiting for my MOH to arrive. Again, it was lovely to have some normal time. I haven’t got a clue what I watched though, I was certainly in my own little bubble. I wasn’t nervous at all at this point, I’d done everything I needed to. Except write my Mum’s card, I’d bought a personalised one and somehow managed to misplace it in the house. Usually this would make me a bit frantic but I knew it would turn up even if it was a bit late.

I headed to the venue at about 2pm with my MOH in convoy. I’ve driven to my venue so many times during planning, but I managed to take a wrong turn and had to go down the motorway an extra junction, but I just laughed and sang along to more music! I unloaded my car and checked in, and then my MOH had to leave to sort out some things. There was one point when I went into my room, when lots of family appeared in there too which I felt very overwhelmed. Thankfully they all drifted off pretty quickly. Me and my mum went to Tesco to grab some food and I had my only melt down and shouted a bit. I felt awful afterwards, but mum laughed and said she was amazed I’d made it that far without a stress meltdown.

Family and friends arrived steadily through the afternoon, lots of people were staying 2 nights due to the timings of our day, and it was lovely having a drink and a chat. Dan came to see me and bring a couple of things and it was nice to see him relaxed after his exam. Our flowers were then delivered and I was completely overwhelmed they were absolutely stunning.

They included everything I loved. A friend did my flowers and I didn’t really give any instruction other than that I wanted irises, purple, yellow and white, and I wanted everything to be in season. She really outdid herself, they were gorgeous and everyone commented on them.

Dan headed back and I had tea with my family. About 8:30pm all of my bridesmaids came to my room and we had some fizz and a chat. I ended up staying up a little too late (midnight) and probably drank a little too much. But, I had an amazing night!

Saturday 3rd June – Wedding Day

Pre Ceremony

Hair and makeup were set to arrive at 6am and I was wide awake at 5:20am without the need for my alarm. I woke up to see the sun shining through the opening in the curtains where my dress was hung and jumped out of bed for a coffee. I was a little hungover to be honest!

At 5:45am there was a knock at the door and I was greeted by a bridesmaid bringing fizz and bride to be slippers! My other 4 bridesmaids all arrived and we chatted and drank coffee.

6am my hair and makeup ladies arrived, and I was soon reminded why I booked them! There were lots of us to do and not much time so I had 3 ladies, one for me, one for hair and one for makeup. There was a mix up the night before about whether or not my mum was having her hair and makeup done, but I was told it was all sorted which was such a relief! There was me, 5 bridesmaid and my mum all to get ready and they made it seem easy! I had made a playlist for the morning and I was so glad I did, it was filled with classics like Must Be Love and Nice Day for a White Wedding. Everyone commented on it, and there were a few impromptu singalongs! I was so relaxed, and I really didn’t expect to feel like that. I couldn’t stop smiling!

At 8am my photographer arrived and it started to feel even more real! The hair and makeup ladies got us ready in plenty of time and by 9am we were all ready and it was time to get in my dress.

One of my favourite photos from the day haha!!

All my bridesmaids left to help guests get on the vintage bus we’d booked and it was time for my dad to see me for the first time. At this point I will say I am a crier. I cry at every wedding I attend, even when they’re Dan’s friends I don’t really know! I was sure when I saw my dad that I would bawl, but I didn’t I just smiled and giggled and that pretty much set the mood for the day!

It was time for me to go down to my car, but there were a couple of lingering guests in the corridors. I saw my younger step sister, and I think it showed just how relaxed I was that the first thing I said to her was “I love your dress please can I borrow it!”

I had to hang around a bit in the corridors waiting for the guest’s bus to leave, a little later than planned as someone had overslept. But I was worried at all, my Dad was beside himself worrying about traffic and getting there on time. I was just happy my wedding car and driver were there, and they both looked amazing! I’d had my heart set on a big American classic car but it had been extremely hard to find. It was the first time I saw my hard work paying off when I walked outside to see it. She really is a beauty!!!

I can’t quite remember the drive to the venue. It passed in a blissful blur. Dad and I chatted about rubbish, I sent a selfie to some friends, and I just enjoyed being in my dream car! I remember dad asking me if I was sure jokingly and I just laughed, he cried and told me how happy for me he was.

Once we arrived at the ceremony venue I felt a small pang of nerves. There were guests still milling around outside so the staff got them all inside. One of my friends mum’s was outside to see me arrive as she’d dropped her off, and this almost made me cry. I was touched! The moment changed when a local park run group started clapping and cheering me and then I got a fit of the giggles! I was taken around the back of the venue into a courtyard and was greeted by my bridesmaids and our groomsmen. I did cry a little at this point, it hit me that it was real, that I would soon be seeing my boy and that he would be becoming my husband!

I was taken in to see the registrar and all my nerves faded, I knew Dan was just through the door and I wanted to see him. They told me he was really nervous which I didn’t expect, and I fell in love with him even more! I confirmed my Dads job title as ‘Sales Manager’ and when they asked sales of what I looked blankly and said ‘cheese’ the lady tried to correct me to dairy but I said ‘no it’s just cheese’, me and Dad started laughing. They said they’d make sure cheese was stated on the register!!

Then I was taken up the servant’s staircase, which was a feat in itself as it wasn’t meant for dresses the size of mine. At the top of the stairs everyone was getting very nervous about walking down the stairs and I just couldn’t stop giggling.

Soon enough the music started (Ramones – Baby I Love You) and it was time to walk down the stairs. The bridesmaid and groomsmen went down first and then it was mine and Dad’s turn. He was so nervous and kept crying! As soon as I saw Dan I smiled from ear to ear. He looked so nervous stood there on his own. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I did a little punch into the air and said yey I’ve made it without falling, and our guests laughed. Dan has said sincehe was worried as I was so giggly and he didn’t expect me to be like that. I didn’t expect to be so relaxed, I’m usually so stressed it took me by surprised. But honesty I was just so happy. Earlier in the morning the company providing the bus had called to say the bus we’d booked wasn’t available and they’d have to send a different one. Prior to that day I’d have been annoyed, but on that day I couldn’t have cared less!

Here’s my crazy smile:

My Dad handed my hand to Dan, but forgot to take his hand away, it was such a great moment. Just the three of us, like there was no one else there, just laughing and smiling.

The ceremony passed in a blur. Only a couple of things have stuck. My younger step sister (with the amazing dress) was doing a reading (Winnie the Pooh), she made it two lines in and then became emotional. Without even thinking I moved to stand next to her, put my arm round her and encouraged her to carry on. When it became clear she couldn’t I took the card and read it. At the end she gave me a big kiss on the cheek, forgetting she had red lipstick on!

Dan’s vows were a mix of song lyrics, and this made every giggle at times. It was the most relaxed and funny wedding ceremony I have ever seen, and it was exactly what we wanted. Every bit of it was us, from the music, to little jokes, to Dan getting confused and offering me the wrong hand for his ring!

When we left the ceremony we waited outside the doors and had a receiving line. I am so glad we did this. It gave us a chance to speak to everyone and to give everyone a hug.

We did our confetti photos, which are amazing, our wedding party photos and then Dan’s side of the family photos. This was great, but it did mean we missed the canapes meaning I was flipping starving! We went down near the lake for photos, and lots of children were playing and started to shout congratulations. One little boy said congradumalations, which his brother quickly corrected, it was so cute! We managed to get the last couple of canapes and then joined our guests in the courtyard for a drink, chat and a group photo.

We then went upstairs to have a couple of photos done. I am so glad we chose Astley Hall it is such a beautiful place, and we really felt part of history.

We then headed back to the reception venue leaving our guests to get back on their bus. It was amazing driving through the park with people waving and shouting well wishes. The drive back was amazing, chance for us to chat, and catch up on each others mornings! We got back to the reception venue ahead of everyone and had chance to enjoy a bottle of Corona each in the sunshine!

We had yet more photos, my cheeks started to ache, but thankfully this time someone sent a waitress in our direction!

Wedding Breakfast

Stood waiting to be announced into the room for the wedding breakfast was the most nerve wracking part of the day. I have no idea why but this bit really hit me. Dan and his best man did their speeches before the meal, and they were both amazing. The perfect balance of funny and sentimental.

The food was delicious! Smoked chicken ceaser salad, lamb shank and lemon tart for pudding. It was so nice! The venue were amazing, a couple of guests refused to eat the lamb but they quickly got them a replacements.

Dad’s speech made me a little emotional, he told funny stories about my childhood, and stories about Dan and I together. It was perfect!!


After the meal people mingled, and a couple went to check in. I went back to our room for a quick freshen up, and then we had more photos! I then sat in the bar with friends playing board games we’d put out. Before I knew it our evening guests were arriving. It soon became clear that whilst having the many photographs taken in the day I’d caught the sun, as this is the first thing most people said to me! It was so nice to see how all the little things we’d planed come together!

(Don’t have a photo from the day unfortunately)

Dan’s favourite bit – Pork Pie Cake. Although neither of us got any!

Soon it was our first dance, Stealers Wheel – Stuck in the Middle With You. I was a bit nervous about this, it was a bit hard to move in my dress by this point and my feet were killing me.

Our DJ (Guy Barker) was great at revving up the room, we entered to cheers from everyone and then and we cut our cake.

And then we moved into the middle of the room and the song started, the venue whipped our cake away without us even noticing and then we danced. It was fantastic and I even managed a twirl or two in my dress which I was very happy with.

This was followed by a father daughter dance; Cher – Walking in Memphis. In the run up I couldn’t decide if I was going to do one or not, but I’m so so glad we did. It was great to spend a few minutes with my Dad chatting and dancing, almost a de-brief of the day J

The band then kicked in for about an hour and a half. At half 9 I did a very short speech, thanked everyone for coming and asked everyone to go outside for a surprise for all our guests. Everyone was very intrigued and filed out of the room. We all congigated outside and then our firework display started. I didn’t cry all day, but as soon as the first firework exploded I started crying. It was just so perfect, the whole day had been absolutely perfect.

We continued dancing with our friends to the band and it was great. At about 10:30pm however I could barely move in my dress anymore, and even with my converse on I was struggling to get about, and I couldn’t enjoy the night as much as I wanted to. So, I got changed into my jeans! I kno this will probably horrify some, and it certainly horrified my mum, but I’m so glad I did it. I could move, eat and drink! My only regret from the day is not buying a second dress. I nearly had so many times and I really wish for the sake of £30 I’d done it!

Our reception did go on to 1am, and our plan was to stay until the end. But, at 11pm we were both flagging after such a long day. So, at 12am we had our last dance; Queen – Bohemian Rhaspsody all our friends gathered around us and sang and danced, and headbanged! It was so perfect, the absolutely perfect end to a perfect day.

We went back to our room, and got in bed and….. watched rubbish on BBC4 and fell asleep cuddling absolutely shattered!

When we went for breakfast the next morning we found out that the guests who had been on the bus at 9:30am were the last to go to bed! I was worried about an early ceremony, but actually it meant we made the most of the day and we are both so glad we did!

We packed up our things from the venue, headed home, napped, and then packed like crazy for a 2.5 week American roadtrip honeymoon!!

I’m sorry this was so long – I hope I didn’t put you to sleep!!

11 replies

Latest activity by Mrs_Conduct, 12 of December of 2017 at 18:57
  • RomanticBlueDiamonds624
    Beginner September 2018
    RomanticBlueDiamonds624 ·
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    Recaps are some of my favourite posts to read - thank you so much for sharing your amazing day. You look beautiful and so happy as does everyone else in the pictures. I'm glad you weren't stressed and that everything worked out as you'd hoped.

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  • Mrs_Conduct
    Expert June 2017
    Mrs_Conduct ·
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    Thank you Smiley smile they were my favourite thing to read too I've been meaning to come back and do mine for ages!

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  • laurafish
    Beginner July 2016
    laurafish ·
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    Loved reading this!! I do love a report, don't seem to see them so much any more so this was lovely to read Smiley smile Sounds and looks like such a wonderful happy day, congratulations!

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    Thank you for this Mrs_Conduct! There's not as much activity on here anymore and I haven't seen a wedding report for a while so I loved reading this!

    You look stunning and I love your photos! I love the photos of you having a giggle, you look so happy!


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  • Chapples
    Beginner June 2017
    Chapples ·
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    Loved reading this Mrs - lovely to see your photos alongside your report - I also promise to get mine done by the end of this week too! Smiley smile

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  • Mrs_Conduct
    Expert June 2017
    Mrs_Conduct ·
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    I hope you do Chapples! I really enjoyed writing it. For the first time, I wanted to do it all again!

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  • 2BMrsC
    Beginner May 2017
    2BMrsC ·
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    This has been a long time coming Rachel! Congratulations Mrs! Looks like you all had a fabulous day!

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  • Mrs_Conduct
    Expert June 2017
    Mrs_Conduct ·
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    It's been mostly written for about 2 months - but I was putting it off because of the upload and photos

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  • MetalBride
    Beginner April 2018
    MetalBride ·
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    You look so happy xx ?

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  • R
    Beginner April 2018
    RomanticBlueCakes716 ·
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    This was so lovely to read, sounds, and looks like you had a wonderful day! I think I'll do a similar account of our day, it will be lovely to read back in years to come.

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  • Mrs_Conduct
    Expert June 2017
    Mrs_Conduct ·
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    Thank you Smiley smile I'm glad I wrote it all out, I've enjoyed reading in back when I've had the dread post wedding blues! We picked up our album last week and it is amazing, I love reliving our day, I've never been so happy xxx

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  • Mrs_Conduct
    Expert June 2017
    Mrs_Conduct ·
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    Thank you Smiley smile I'm glad I wrote it all out, I've enjoyed reading in back when I've had the dread post wedding blues! We picked up our album last week and it is amazing, I love reliving our day, I've never been so happy xxx

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