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Beginner May 2025 Argyll

Maid of honour drama

Michelle, 13 of March of 2024 at 16:07 Posted on Planning 0 1
Okay, so I asked my sons partner of 10years to be my maid of honour. She accepted the proposal. My son is over the moon about it. I asked her as I wanted the wedding to be close family. I'm having one MoH and my husband to be is having his best man.
Now the MOH has been concerning her opinions on things which I have taken note off and used if needed.
I gave her my colour scheme and style ideas before the dress shopping.The dresses! Oh my god its so stressful she came with me to my chosen bridal shop, tried on a few moh dresses and completely dismissed them. But gave full opinion on my dress, kept giving me dresses to try on that even the bridal fitter stated it wouldn't suit me.So, off we went to another bridal shop at request of the moh, she turned up late, tried on one dress and dismissed every other one I picked for her. But, ofcourse gave me dresses not suited to my figure. Going back to the first shop, there was one dress I fell in love with that the fitter suggested, so I went back on my own as the moh kept cancelling on me to go back there, I fell in love with dress and secured it, made some alterations to it. Moh went in the huff! Assured her that it's me that had to wear the dress not her so I wanted to feel comfortable in it without others opinions. So, off we went to a dress shop she picked I the city with city price tags and well out of my area. She picked two dresses, away from my style and colour and said she likes them.Despite me saying your dress has to stay within my colour scheme but I can Compromise on the style. I hated both of them, and she refused to try on any other dresses. Now, fast forward a whole lot of drama and stress and 6 rescheduling appointments later for the first bridal shop as I told her the moh dress comes from the place I went to first as they have more of a selection on style and colour. I said we're not leaving my chosen shop until a dress is found that you feel comfortable in and that is with my colour and style.Moh has now caused alot of stress, drama, made phonecalls to my sons and now sons are giving me stress all because moh wants full control of the dress picking. Also she asked to pick the dress herself. I have lost all confidence in her being my moh due to stress and drama being caused when not needed. Don't get me started on the MUA and hairdressers I asked her to find for me, she wanted me to leave my home on the day of my wedding to go to a city 45 minutes away from my wedding to have this done, despite pre bridal wedding photos and car pick ups, and this came with a price tag to which she did not offer to pay for. The main issue is, the lack of commitment and the stress she has caused for me and between my sons against me. She even got one of my sons to try and opinion through my husband to be.Help....any advice on.hpw to deal.with this.

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Latest activity by Sarah, 14 of April of 2024 at 23:54
  • Sarah
    Rockstar August 2024 West Midlands
    Sarah ·
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    Oh wow - sorry you’re going through this.
    Certainly not what you want to experience when you’re planning a wedding.

    I think unfortunately, it’s going to be difficult to raise these issues without having confrontation as the way you have portrayed her, she appears that way. In addition, lines are blurred between relation and friendship already. But, I think, you need to air them out and have an honest discussion. You could ask her to step down, as that appears to be the only logical suggestion. Maybe if you don’t want to tell her the truth to avoid conflict, you could just suggest it’s going to cost too much additional money buying outfits, gifts, etc ?
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