Here's my wedding report from our day on 14th June. I've probably made loads of mistakes as i type too fast so excuse any rubbish talk haha!
Wedding Report:
Our story – Aged 16 & 17..we met when our groups of friends came together.
I chatted to him a few times when we met and I immediately liked him. We were
friends for a while and he asked me out on a date, the next day he asked me out
and I said yes! That was almost 10 year ago now. Almost 5 years ago now we were
blessed with our beautiful boy Matthew and here we are now an old married
couple haha We were engaged for a few too many years and other priorities
came first, we finally set a date and knew exactly where we wanted to have our
wedding. Our local national trust historic house. It’s literally 10 mins away
from where we live and we always go there for days out / picnics / too feed the
ducks etc and the place has so much history that we find really interesting.
All we knew was that we wanted some music ideas involved and hints of our
personality throughout the day and went with that sort of theme. Oh and
obviously the colour red which has always been my favourite colour – it probably
comes from my White Stripes obsession!
The day before – I had been
running mad all week and the day before was no exception. Like everything in my
life I had to leave lots of things last minute, and so I found myself up at 8am
packing bags of decorations for the venue and icing cakes!! My lovely
bridesmaid came and picked me up at around 10:40am..only 40 mins late, and we
dropped everything off at the venue. Had a quick chat with the co-ordinator who
was lovely & reassuring as always and then left her and the team to set
everything up.
BM then picked up my Mum in her car and dropped us off at our local shopping
centre. We had a few things still to buy…jewellery, underwear & my Mum
still needed to find a jacket to match her outfit..Told you we were last
minute! To be fair my Mum had been really
unwell (still is) and wasn’t able to get out and buy everything she needed and
wasn’t sure at one point if she’d even make the wedding so it was a stressful
time. But luckily we found everything we needed pretty much straight away and
headed home.
I then packed the rest of my things for the hotel and before I knew it, it was
time to say goodbye to my soon-to-be husband and little boy and headed off with
my BM to the hotel.
When we arrived I felt quite calm but excited – didn’t have any nerves which I thought I would. We went out a walk to the shops to find a cash machine and bought cans of monster & some goodies. Went back to the hotel and I went in for a shower, when I came out there was a dominos pizza there which the BM had ordered, and she had brought along a bottle of champers..yipee! We ate what we could (not much) and then had some champagne and sang along to songs we hadn’t heard in years on kisstory channel, laughed all night & talked junk. Had the silly idea of painting our nails when the champagne was done and only then realised how tipsy we were, luckily had loads of nail polish remover handy to fix it but we still couldn’t get it perfect! Also when I unpacked my bag I found a lovely gift bag (see pic below) that OH must have sneaked in – again the sort of thing I’d usually cry at but didn’t at all haha! Gave BM her gifts & card too which she loved, included a few meerkat things as she’s nuts about them. We also read through my good luck thread again – huge thank you again to RavioliRuby for starting mine and to everyone who commented with their lovely messages. I loved reading through it and it made everything seem very real and it’s funny finally having one and not just commenting on others! Really appreciate everyones lovely messages & wishes We tried to sleep at about 11pm but chatted for ages and couldn’t stop laughing so must have been around 12am before we nodded off!
The Big Day!!! – I woke up around 6:40am and felt too excited to fall back asleep. I had a text from my Mum full of excitement so no idea how long she’d been awake haha. I looked out the window and it was actually sunny – in Glasgow..what a relief!! I lay in bed for ages reading through texts and fb messages from people wishing me luck. At about 7am BM woke up and we chatted away quite casually, had a quick shower, got changed and at around 8:15 went down for some breakfast. We only asked for toast & hardly touched it. Still had a calmness about me til we went upstairs and the MUA quickly arrived! From then everything seemed to go really quickly. She started on my hair first while BM did her own make up.
The door chapped and it was
the florist – I had forgot about things like these on the day and was maybe too
relaxed as if they hadn’t arrived I’d have probably got into the cars and
realised I had none haha! I was so happy with everything and they were nicer
than I expected.
BM2 came in with my son & he was so excited. He was looking handsome as
ever and had his Peter Rabbit teddy that he never leaves with him, also known
as “Babbit” and my Mum had helped him put a little shirt and waistcoat on him
haha. They were both very cute I received a text from my Mum saying my gran
and herself were there so I ran down to bring them up. The tiny room was now
quite cramped haha! My gran is 90 this year bless her, and so up & down
health wise so I was so happy she made it ok on the day.
Next to arrive was the
photographer (well one of them as the other was at the church taking pics of H
& best man) and I apologised that the room was so small and she probably
didn’t have much to work with, she made us feel at ease straight away & we
laughed about the awful curtains in the room. She already knew the MUA so they
were chatting away too and we were all relaxed, bm opened a bottle of champagne
and I found myself sitting around drinking that rather than the running around
mad I’d imagined.
Meanwhile at church:
Best man (& my brother) on the left, and OH on the right
(above pic by our friend Rosie)
Before I knew it, it was
time to get into my dress and that took a while (probably longer to get my
suspenders clipped onto the belt mind you) & I still wasn’t happy with how
it sat. My mum and I hadn’t practised enough but lovely TOG came to the rescue
and did it up for me really well. It didn’t sit at the front as good as it did
in the shop, but in the shop I had a huge roll of back fat so I suppose you
can’t have everything!
I helped get my BM’s dresses done up and got my boys waistcoat & cravat on.
My Dad soon arrived – I’d love to say he was so proud and told me how beautiful
I looked like so many others do. But in reality he didn’t say anything of the
sort and left for the bar. The hotel room was boiling but it was so much worse
with everyone running around getting ready and I ended up sitting beside the
fan in my room as I could feel my face starting to melt! TOG left to go to the
church and Kylie who did our hair & make up left too.
To Be Continued.......
Pics are taking ages haha!