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Rockstar October 2023 Bristol

Moan about mum

Kayleigh, 1 of June of 2021 at 14:25 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0
I just wanted to vent somewhere about my mother.

I'm 33 years old with a full time job and have three children so it's not as if I'm a stranger to responsibilities and bills.
Any time I mention money or stuff I like or want to do or buy I get met with "don't forget you have other responsibilities and stuff to pay for". Every. Single. Time. If I was actually bad with money and constantly had to borrow I could understand but I'm not! I budget and buy when I know I can afford it. This morning I mentioned about the wedding flowers and decor and starting early so I can get it all done without having to stress in the final months and she did it AGAIN. I called her out on it saying I know this and she doesn't need to point it out every time I mentioned buying. To which she just said "right I'll shut up then" and stomped off in a p*ss. So sick of her doing that then behaving as if I've done her some great wrong by pointing out I'm a perfectly capable adult 😭 x

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