I was told my periods would be heavy now that I have the non hormonal coil. I was fine with that. My first two days I was uber heavy with my mooncup full every 4 hours- bit of a shock to the system after 10ish years with no periods.
I am using a mooncup and I keep leaking. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am emptying every 3-4 hours, rinsing and inserting by folding. When I empty its 1/2 to 1/4 full. I have cut the stalk off. The end of the stalk is just popping out of me (IYSWIM). Am I doing something wrong. I can even feel myself leak, its quite clotty at the minute- not sure if that makes any difference. I can't afford to buy pads/tampons but I am sick of leaking on my pants/bed clothes.
Any mooncup pros out there?