Can you please tell me the advantages and disadvantages of having a house vs outside rabbit?
I had been planning to get some to keep outside, but I don't want them to end up all cold & neglected out there. I was talking to someone at work who was telling me how great they are to have in the house & how you can litter-train them etc!
I have been to the pet shop today and looked at hutched & cages. They had a big indoor cage that looked a reasonable size. I was thinking mabe I could keep thm in a cage when we're in bed or out and let them roam about when we're about to supervise? The dining room, hallway & kitchen are fairly rabbit-proof, the only main issue is the lounge due to all the cables behind the TV but I could use a fireguard to barrackade it off or something?
Would it be a real hassle to have them inside? I'd obviously have an outdoor run too for them to exercise in etc.
Is it a mad idea?