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Curious July 2024 Kent

Moving 22 before wedding 🤪

Alex, 12 of June of 2024 at 15:16 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 1
Any other nutters moving before their wedding? Just found out we are exchanging tomorrow. Whilst I’m desperate to move I now feel sick with the thought of it all. Moral support or advice appreciated!!

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Latest activity by RomanticGreenStationery27135, 13 of June of 2024 at 12:50
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    VIP July 2020 Monmouthshire
    RomanticGreenStationery27135 ·
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    1) Remind yourself that you will get through this - even if you feel like you won't at the time!

    2) Simplify as much as you can beforehand - no point moving stuff you don't really want, so maybe look on it as an opportunity to have a major declutter - rope in a couple of friends to do charity shop/tip runs for you.

    3) Don't be afraid to call on friends & family for help, whether that's packing up beforehand or providing tea & sandwiches on the day.

    4) If you can afford to, throw a bit of money at it - i.e. paying someone to clean the house so you don't have to, or buying meals out until you get the kitchen straight.

    5) Focus on the basics - whenever I move, I pack clean bedding and a box of kitchen essentials in my own car, so I know exactly where they are. Make sure the beds are the first thing to be unloaded at the new house, and make them up straight away. As long as you have somewhere to sleep and enough kitchen stuff to provide basic food and drink, everything else can wait. Don't push yourself - it takes as long as it takes, and if you're still unpacking after your wedding, that's ok. Far more important to be non-frazzled newlyweds with half your stuff in boxes than at each others' throats in an immaculately tidy house!

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