I've written a few times about the shoddy service, make and delivery times from a dress shop in my local town, where I've ordered my BM dresses from.
i picked up the dresses on Wednesday and when my step daughters tried them on yesterday it was very clear that the alterations haven't been done correctly. The dresses have been taken in too much, the girls couldn't barely breathe. the hems have been taken up too much on one, and the stitching on the top of the band on one dress was merely tacked together. In fact, when you look at the photos, you can even see one of the dresses on the hem is lopsided!
i've taken the dresses to another seamstress who's done the best she can, she's let out the sides, but there really was nothing that can be done with the length - too much had been taken out of the shoulder straps, and of course the hem itself. I did consider having them both taken up to knee length, but this style just won't suit both of the girls. I would rather they felt comfortable in the dress than have them altered again just to make them right.
I'm so disappointed, in fact my OH is even more so disappointed. I feel as if I've let them all down as I tried to buy affordable dresses from what I thought was a reputable shop.
I want to post on her facebook page and show all of her FB friends the shoddy work that goes on there, but I don't want to drop myself in the doo doo. i've spoken to Trading Standards, and I'll write her a letter/e-mail together with photos and asking that she refund me the fees i had to pay to correct her poor work, but frankly i don't care if she doesn't, I just don't want anyone else to go through the same stress that I have. I've been awake literally every morning this week since 4am worrying about these dresses, i thought all would be ok once I got them sorted, but they're still not right, and never will be.
I just don't know what else to do.
Just so no-one thinks I'm making it up all up, here's a couple of pics:-