I was originally due to be married on 17 March...but changed my date to May so approx 7 weeks of a difference....so this hasn't became a major issue yet...however I am starting to feel incredibly stressed....
I was advised my dress would arrive 4 weeeks before, and I have never advised my dress shop that my date has changed so tehnically as far as they are aware my wedding is 2 weeks and 5 days away. I have called every day and they keep telling me not to worry and it will be here any day. Can you imagine how stressed I would be if I stuck to my original date? I would be in serious melt down.
I had a nightmare last night that I received a call saying there was a problem with my order and they couldn't fufill it any longer, so i had to start my wedding dress shopping again...and everything i tried on looked like a BFGW dress with fairly lights etc
Why do some shops think having a wedding dress delivered under 4 weeks is no big deal?