I was picked up on Saturday at 11.45, I was told to wear wellies, so I went out especially on Friday night to buy myself a pair. The friend who picked me up wouldn’t answer any questions… We stopped at her house and a group of friends met us there a few minutes later and we walked, I didn’t have a clue where we were going. They took me to the park where other ladies were already there and we all had picnic in the park, they all brought something to share, even a cheese board and French bread! We even had… lambrini! How classy… At the end of the picnic 2 of my maids put us all in groups (14 of us altogether) and handed out “find someone who” sheets. It was a photo competition, we had to take photos of one of us doing what was asked on the sheet (climb up a tree, kiss a bearded man, pull a pint, pray at an altar, sleep in a shop, etc). We were told we had until the following morning to complete the task. I was then told we were going on a treasure hunt with our team in a car. This was so much fun, but really hard work! The “treasure” was a pub where we were given our final destination: university halls in Exeter! We got there, got changed & made up and went out to a veggie restaurant called Herbies, the girls had organised a quiz which they got my H2B to write! It was really funny. I got presents for each right… and wrong answers! They must have spent a fortune at Ann Summers!!! Afterwards we went to a few pubs and clubbing. By then I was dressed up in the tackiest hen party gear (including a garlic string!) and was made to do the most stupid/rude/naughty forfaits. The girls were actually very surprised I accepted all my forfeits, even crawling under tables to bite men’s ankles! We got lots of free drinks from men, I never thought a hen party could attract so many blokes! We got back to our rooms at 2am and I stayed up talking with my roommates until 3am.
On Sunday, we all met at 9 for breakfast, a well-needed fry-up! Afterwards a few hens left as they had other plans/sports commitments, etc and the rest of us drove to another mystery destination… a leisure & spa centre. We all had coffee there, chilled for a bit in a lounge and then to the pool, enjoyed the Jacuzzi and sauna. At 1.15pm the girls told me to get changed and go to “Bodyzone” whilst they stayed in the pool. They had booked me in for an amazing treatment: full body exfoliation, then aromatherapy oil treatment, me being covered in plastic whilst the oil was being sucked by my skin! a facial and head & face massage, and finally an excellent body moisturiser. I then lied there for ages listening to the calming music. At the end I had the most amazing looking and smelling skin, and felt sooooo relaxed. I met the girls in the lounge at 3pm and we left after another drink. I got back home at 4.30pm.
I don’t have photos of the night yet but here’s a selection of the day & evening meal.
I got a bit carried away with my flash... sorry!!!