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Beginner August 2015

My sister ruined my hen party

LuxuriousPinkConfetti380, 29 of June of 2015 at 16:32 Posted on Planning 0 5

This Saturday was my hen party. My sister and my bridesmaid organized it. I really see how much effort they put into planning is so that I like it. And I really appreciate it. But my sister could not FOR ONCE act like she is not the most important. Every time it’s my day (Birthday, Name day) she always must be in the spotlight. ONCE I wanted to be the star. She could not give that up. What’s more, she brought her friend who acted like a complete b*tch. I was so furious, so embarrassed, so sad I eventually threw my sister and her friend out. I thought my sister will sit next to me on the wedding reception. But now I don’t want to even look at her anymore. She ruined MY night. MY only night. I don’t know what to do. Let her sit next to me or move her somewhere else so that I don’t see her?

5 replies

Latest activity by AKWedding, 30 of June of 2015 at 12:17
  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Wow! You are cross aren't you! What did she do?

    i hope you can calm down and think this through a little. Is one night worth ruining your relationship with your sister?

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    C'mon, tell us what she did! We can't help til we know how bad it was. Are we talking "got a bit drunk and fell over" or "dry humped your fiance"?

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  • L
    Beginner August 2015
    LuxuriousPinkConfetti380 ·
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    These are all small things.

    Firstly, she invited a stranger although I told her not to.

    We went to a beach party were everyone got dirty with this colorful powder and we were supposed to wash at my place. I asked my friends not to seat on the couch because it was new and bought by my fiancée’s parents and I didn’t want it to get dirty. The only person who lay down on the couch was my sister’s friend. Now I can’t clean it. When the girl washed, the bathroom was a mess! She used like a half of all my soaps, and I was cleaning the bathroom for like an hour. Then the girl went sleeping in my bed. I regard my bed a sanctuary and I asked my sister to do something about her friend but she did nothing. Then my sister’s friend used my cosmetics. She was the only person who didn’t bring her own although she was the only one I didn’t know. And she scattered my new expensive powder. I was so pissed. And that is all to my sister’s friend.

    My sister knowing all my peculiarities regarding my bed or using my cosmetics let it all happen. And she was trying to humiliate my by telling my secrets and made me look like a fool by telling my friends that I lied about my fiancée (I didn’t lie). Also, she was telling so embarrassing stories about her sex life, things I didn’t wanna hear and things I didn’t want my friends to know. It may sound lame but I wanted to die. She was so proud of herself, how many guys and girls f*cked her, how many people saw that, and how stupid her boyfriend is. Then she started to mock my feelings, my relationship with my fiancée. She laughed at how much I love him and made me feel so awful. I usually do not share my feelings. I keep them for myself. But since it was my hen party and I thought no one would make lough of them. I was so wrong.

    My sister was also shooting the whole party and I watched the film. There was only my sister and her friend. No me.

    Maybe it’s nothing but hen party was the only chance for me to have a party with my sister when I am the most important.

    After I threw the two of them out, my sister started to write messages to my bridesmaid to give her money back. Money she didn’t use for things she didn’t pay for. No one knows what money my sister wants back. But my bridesmaid’s fiancée is so pissed and he blames me.

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Sounds to me as if you should be annoyed with the friend rather than your sister. Your sister brought her but she is not responsible for her, the woman is an adult and responsible for her own behaviour. Get the sofa professionally cleaned then send her the bill - you probably won't get anything but it needs to be done anyway so you might as well try.

    I'm afraid I think you should have spoken to the friend rather than asking your sister to sort it out - if you didn't want her there, you should have just asked her to leave. However, too late for that now so put it down to experience and let it go.

    Your sister is always going to be your sister and there are many times in your future when you can spend time together. I have never considered myself to be more important than my sister, not on my hen do or on my wedding day - you are the focus of attention, you are the bride. If she wants to tell stories about herself, that's her prerogative - it shouldn't embarrass you. As for mocking your relationship - my sister and I do that all the time - it's fun and it isn't meant to be nasty, I just mock her right back.

    As for your bm's fiance - he'll get over it. if you don't know what money she is talking about, step away and tell them it's between the two of them and nothing to do with you and stay out of it.

    Ask yourself whether you will regret losing your sister over your hen night - then make it up, because I'm sure you don't really want to fall out with her over one day.

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  • halloweeny
    Beginner October 2013
    halloweeny ·
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    Wow! that's a lot to take in. Your sister's friend sounds like she is a very bad influence. Does your sister normally behave like this or is this unusual behaviour?

    The money thing is also a bit weird! i can see your sister has upset you (and her friend is beyond rude) and you're right to be annoyed. But i'm wondering whether your sister has got herself into a bit of a situation. It all sounds very strange. Can you sit down with her and speak to her? I know you're angry, but she's your sister. she might need help?

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  • AKWedding
    Beginner August 2015
    AKWedding ·
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    I think it sounds like you have a disfunctional relationship with your sister and it isn't very loving. If your sister knew you very particular about certain things, why would she let her friend do those things and why did she bring her friend along when you specifically said not to? In your shoes, I would be very annoyed.

    If your sister cannot see your point of view, it might be time to ask for some back up from family members. Ask them to have a word or to keep an eye on her during your wedding so she doesn't get out of control.

    I think uninviting your sister to your wedding is a big decision to make so you have to give it a lot of thought.

    Good luck!

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