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Beginner September 2010


HatTrick, 28 November, 2012 at 07:33 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 19

Now I'm sure that my big gob + small terraced house does not make me the perfect neighbour but I have been awake since 5am thanks to the numpty next door playing the bloody recorder. And I wouldn't mind, but he's crap!

Tell me about your annoying neighbours...

19 replies

Latest activity by AmnesiaCustard, 28 November, 2012 at 16:46
  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    HT, do you really want to start a tired hormonal woman off on this... ?

    My neigbours drive me totally bonkers too - just had another facebook rant about them last night! Our walls are paper thin, and our neighbour regularly choses inappropriate times to bath/shower. Eg: 10:15 last night when I was dropping off to sleep and his constant water running kept making me need a wee ?.

    Our bed backs onto their bath and ultimately bathroom and so we can hear every thing they do in there. I can hear him walk in, switch the light on, then the heater, then roll the loo roll, run the bath taps, put back the shower curtain, then swish around in the bath and pull the plug out, step out the bath, it's like i'm there!

    They also have very loud conversations - we heard "Don't you ever dry yourself properly, the bathroom floor is soaking" just Monday night and have heard so many arguments.

    Then there is the dog situation, we live in a fairly small 2 bed house, it's not tiny, but you wouldn't want more than one dog here - they have 3 puppies (12months ish). 2 of which are springers and one a Lab. They are fine when they are in, I mean OK they bark at 6:30am to be let out, race up and down the stairs making me think the wall is going to fall in and woke me up during the night when they must have been let out, but when the neighbours go out all three bark non-stop for hours and hours and hours. It's been 2am before, and it drives me totally bonkers!

    Anyway, I feel much better for that ?, and I hope that your neighbours shhhhh up soon!

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  • Hollies
    Beginner December 2018
    Hollies ·
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    We have a lovely neighbour now, but in our last house the neighbours drove me mad! They had a Subaru Impreza (sp?) thing that had a ridiculously noisy exhaust. Whenever they went out they would start it up and leave it on the drive making its obnoxious noises for a good fifteen minutes, sometimes they'd just sit in it and not go anywhere then go back inside! It was so irritating. They then sold said car (hurrah!) and the husband replaced it for an even louder motorbike. He would sit on that on the drive too. Odd.

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  • Becklarrr
    Becklarrr ·
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    Just think HT & LM you will have crying newborns soon so you can get your own back on your neighbours!

    My neighbours are fine, never hear them or anything ? However the neighbour who isn't attached to our house, we share an alleyway with her and we did have a tree in our garden which dropped hundreds of leaves everyday, she would constantly sweep them up against our fence. Ok, so i know that they are our leaves but if you have time to sweep them you might as well just pick them up for us! Said tree has now been destroyed!

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  • Tiny-Tiggs
    Beginner April 2012
    Tiny-Tiggs ·
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    Did anyone else think this would be about the soap? Haha, theme tune in my head now. Bah!

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  • Becklarrr
    Becklarrr ·
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    I did at first and got really excited as I LOVE neighbours haha!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
    Pompey ·
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    The neighbours we have now are fine. They hardly seem to make any noise but the neighbour we had below us when we lived in the flat were a nightmare! Every Saturday morning without fail the wife would play 'Jason Miraz - I'm Yours' on repeat for HOURS, and I mean hours. She would also leave little notes EVERYWHERE. Once, she wrote a note about how tight I was for buying cheap bin bags that split too easily (it wasnt me it was the man in flat 3 above us) and that I should get better ones so that she doesnt have to clean up all the time. She seems to forget that I cleaned up too if there was mess/rubbish on the front path. She would also insist that H and I help with the gardening... of their garden... that we had no access too...

    The son, who was about 8 was incapable of closing doors properly and constantly slammed the door so that the whole house would shake. Plaster started coming off of the wall in the entrance hall after a while.

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  • Mrs Bass
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs Bass ·
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    yep! I havent even watched it since it moved to 5 but i still opened it.

    we have an empty house one side which has been for sale since we moved in 9 months ago and students the other side who we dont hear a sound from! really hope when they move we get another bunch that are just as quiet!

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  • FaeBelle13
    Beginner April 2013
    FaeBelle13 ·
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    He was playing the recorder??? How old is he?

    I totally thought it was going to be about the soap, but I'll never pass an opportunity to whinge about my old neighbour who complained to environmental health about the excessive noise which sounded like 'a group of cowgirls' after I had a friend round to watch a film.

    I have lovely neighbours in my new place though who let me stroke their cats ❤️

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  • Storky
    Beginner May 2011
    Storky ·
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    Well, I could tell you about Annoying-Australian-with-the-fit-body who lives down stairs. He was given a saxaphone for Christmas and likes to play it at 9.30 every night. He's gone from not being able to play at all to just being sh!t.

    Or I could tell you about Miss Piggy next door who once left her rubbish bag on the steps to the main front door, only for it to be ripped open by foxes and covering our front steps with loads of condoms and wrappers - maybe 50 or so? Lots, anyway. Still, we're hall to hall with her so we don't hear her bedroom gymnastics which brings me neatly to...

    Raj-and-the-screaming-lady who we live next to, headboard wall to headboard wall. He has sex every night, sometimes several times. He grunts, she screams. Not only is he some sort of love machine but he has impeccable timing (that's what she said...) as the boffing starts, without fail, just as I'm drifting off to sleep.

    That said, I absolutely love where we live but I am excited about moving next year.

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
    HatTrick ·
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    Too old to be playing the recorder!

    Looks like I'm not the only one with annoying neighbours then.

    And I'm shocked at those that thought this would be about the soap... give me some credit!!

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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
    Kjay ·
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    Ohh you poor people!

    We are currently very lucky with our neighbors- older couple on one side- hardly hear a peep, young family on t'other- occasional baby cry or music / t.v but on a par with what they probably hear from us (bar the baby noises!)

    Hopefully when we move we will have detached house somewhere quiet but if we can't and have a semi or terrace again I will worry about what/who might be next door as we are lucky with our current situation.

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
    HatTrick ·
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    I shouldn't complain really. Life has been a breeze since Vicky Pollard moved out from the otherside.

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  • U
    Beginner January 2011
    Ulli ·
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    Oooh, yes, we had our own share of drama here.... One side no problems at all, very nice youngish couple, quiet and pleasant. Well the other side... Old lady who disliked us from the moment we moved in (think nosey, spying on us, keeping notes about when we get home, things along these lines - she even told OH once (lucky for her I wasn't there at the time) that she doesn't think we can afford the house (?!?!?!?!?!?!))

    She also has a dog which is not trained at all - I really feel sorry for the poor animal, she doesn't go for walks, he does his business in the back garden... Also he howls and yelps 24/7, but the really annoying thing is that she spurrs him on. The walls are pretty thin and you can just hear when the dog stops yelping she starts yelping like a dog so that the dog starts again!

    Well anyway, a few weeks ago she was taken away in an ambulance - then came back a couple of days later. The day after I witnessed the following (I was home as I was ill and you can hear everything through the thin walls...):

    A GP came around and knocked on her door to check up on her, but she wouldn't open the door. After a while she started screaming "There is nothing wrong with me!!!", still not opening the door. After an hour or so a social worker came and tried to calm her down by talking to her through the door and trying to get her to open the door, but she was pretty much out of her mind. Then after a while the GP and social worker were joined by an ambulance and she lost it completely behind locked doors. Finally the police came and they said they had a warrant for a mental health assessment and she would either have to open the door or they would break it down! While they were getting ready to forcefully open the door she finally opened it (after 2 and a half hours in total!) and the GP could finally get to her.

    We haven't seen her since, from what I've witnessed we think she must suffer from Alzheimers which is really very sad - and explains a lot in my opinion. But obviously she can't live by herself... I just hope she is as ok as she can be and looked after well now.

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    More to the point, who plays the recorder past year 5?

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    Apart from the elephant they have running up and down the stairs twenty times a day, our neighbours are fine!

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  • Vanilla Pod
    Beginner September 2011
    Vanilla Pod ·
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    Well as you know HT mine was a nightmare but it turns out the reason the for sale sign is down is because the nice, quiet husband has bought out the skanky loud cheating wife and DING DONG the witch is gone!! hurrah!! We dont know the full story but he is having a party in a few weeks so we are going to go and get all the goss. ?

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  • Barefoot
    Beginner August 2012
    Barefoot ·
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    We are very lucky here. One side (that our house joins onto, we're a semi) is a smallholding with lots of land, geese, chickens and guinea fowl. The man is a typical country farmer - lives in smock and wellies and a floppy hat - and is always out on the fields. The woman who lives with him is a mate middle aged Austrian giggly lady and the only noise they ever generate is when we hear her laughing hysterically. On the other side we have a man whose wife died earlier this year - he sometimes revs his motorbike on weekend afternoons while "tuning" it, but he is happy to lend us big tools we don't have, and have a drink in the pub down the road.

    Country life is far better than city - when we lived in city suburbs we had chavvy neighbours who fought and argued and threw things (each other?) down the stairs at all hours.

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Where to begin? Did I mention that I am really glad (fingers crossed) to be moving out to a detached on a small estate?

    ...The disco lesbians over the back who put up a shanty town shed and have constant parties til the early hours, with hoards of screaming teenagers, and throwing bottles into our garden. Oh and they recently got a dog who barks all night long. Thanks.

    ...Mr Next Door is a crazy DIY maniac who hammers or drills for most evenings and all of Sats/Suns beginning at around 8am. Added to that they have some weird thing in their house that makes a strange electronic grinding sound for a few minutes every hour or so, we have yet to figure out what it is, but it drowns out our TV quite regularly. He also gets up for work at 6am, I hear his alarm clock, hear him slamming his drawers, and then he sits on his drive revving his diesel engine for a while before leaving. Their son has just learnt to drive and now does the same thing around 11.30pm, returning at midnight to rev a bit more on the drive instead of just switching the engine off. Every single person in the family next door slams their front door so hard that our front windows and living room door rattles in its hinges. They then stomp up and down the stairs, and sometimes have karaoke parties which we hear quite clearly through the walls.

    ...The lady opposite has severe mental health problems and a panic button that she presses almost every night, so an ambulance arrives at midnight to collect her, then brings her back anywhere between 3am-6am. She sometimes sits outside the ambulance refusing to go, and the ambulance has to sit there blocking the road til she finally goes with them.

    ...Next door to her is another elderly lady, who has an equally elderly visitor at 11.30pm every night. The visitor parks their car outside our house, has the speakers blasting as I assume she may be hard of hearing, and leaves her car lights on and door open with music blaring while she goes into the lady's for a cup of tea or whatever. Around midnight she leaves. Between her, boy next door, man next door, ambulance lady and neighbours over the back I am lucky I get 5 hours sleep on a good night (if OH isn't snoring).

    Do I win?

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  • *button*
    Beginner August 2012
    *button* ·
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    No wonder you're pleased to be moving, that sounds horrific. Feel a little sorry for the people buying your house who don't know what they're in for!

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    To one side. I present....The Crying Baby. I mean the baby that does nothing but cry. All the time. It is now 15 months old and it CRIES!

    To the other side...The ex-Dominatrix and her husband (who she met at work) and their three dogs. Enough said.

    Having said that, they are all very lovely people and we really like them all!

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