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NEW Weight Loss Thread!

11 of August of 2013 at 09:00 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 67

I have just weighed in after a good few weeks of filling my piggy face from the fuckit bucket and I have put on SIX pounds! I am a glutton. So I have logged back into My Fitness Pal and am doing level 3 of 30DS this afternoon and cooking a lovely, low fat roast chicken for lunch.

Who fancies joining in? I did so much better when I was checking in with you lot before!

I dont think I will do a chart again but how about those of us who want in add a goal, method and timeframe? I will go first:

Goal - to lose a total of 11 pounds to take me to a nice, even 11st. (started out at 13st 4!) To exercise and turn the 11st into something much less flabby.

Method - MFP, 30DS, maybe C25K and NO MORE SNACKING ON RUBBISH.

Timeframe: 6 weeks and then maintain, do not act like fat yo-yo.

67 replies

Latest activity by Cat In A Teacup, 20 of August of 2013 at 18:40
  • clarehj
    Beginner April 2012
    clarehj ·
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    Oooh me please K.

    I've put on about 10=121b since I got married last year. Was in the last weigh in thread and then just kind of ignored it and ate cake. I'm am only 5.2 and curvy so any extra pounds are really obvious on me.

    Goal - to lose about 10 pounds. Start weight 9.7-9.9 (varies all the time) and would like to get down to about 8.12 which would be great for my height.

    Method - MFP, not eating rubbish and going back to gym

    Time frame - 3 months sounds about right and have a friend's wedding in Cyrus.

    Thanks for starting this Mrs K

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  • BarcaGirl25
    Beginner April 2014
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    I'm new to posting on OT but have been lurking! Please may I join in? I need a kick start to get my weight loss and toning going. But I'm always saying I'll start 30DS tomorrow haha!

    I'll join in a 6week plan, want to lose 10lbs and tone up my legs and tummy.

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  • S
    Beginner October 2011
    SuperSpud ·
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    I'll join in - fed up of being a Piggy McPiggyson.

    I'd like to weight 11 1/2st (11st or under would be better but I need to be realistic) - currently weigh 13st.

    Methods - MFP, no more crap snacks, building up exercise & walking more and maybe 30DS if I can find the DVD.

    Time-scale - probably 8 weeks.

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  • Tizzie
    Beginner June 2012
    Tizzie ·
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    Ill join in too!

    I'm almost at my ideal weight. Started at 10 stone 2lbs (quite heavy for my frame, I hadn't weighed myself in a year and I was shocked), down to 9 st 4lbs and would ideally like to get down to 8.8/8.10. I notice a huge difference already but I'm hoping the next few pounds will come off my belly!!

    Method: walking the three miles either to or from work 2/3 times a week, one aqua aerobics class a week, no fizzy juice (diet on weekends) and mfp. Quite pleased as I wouldn't dream of walking that much but I'm enjoying it.

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
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    Another Failing Fat Fighter signing in!

    I've been back at Slimming World since the beginning of June and only lost half a stone. I keep yo-yoing from a couple of pounds off then putting it back on, off and on, off and on. Just can't get my head into the swing of things.

    Current weight: 13 st 3.5lb at last SW weigh in but 13 stone 1lb by my scales this morning.

    Interim goal weight: 12 stone

    Method: actually sticking to SW plan but with fewer carbs, swapping out white rice and pasta for brown/wholegrain.

    Timescale: I'm going away for BH weekend so would like to be under the 13 stone mark for that. Want to get down to 12 stone by Christmas (ideally before!) so that's a target loss of roughly 1lb a week. Totally do-able.

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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    Count me in.

    Currently 11st 3lb would like to be 10st 7...with a view to get to 10 but will see how I feel at that weight first.

    Have a month til my besties spa day hen do with a load of skinny Minnie's, and then another 3 weeks til our anniversary trip. However, we have a big family wedding in 2 weeks so I would like to drop at least 5lb by then.

    tactics - no carbs this week, no booze (til a hen do Friday) and a 20-40 min walk each lunchtime. I may even start taking the stairs at work again. I never go to the gym, I just don't go so there's no point pretending I will go!

    did a food shop this morning, lunch tomorrow is prawn and mango salad, dinner will be chicken with vegetables. I got some cereal to start having breakfast again!

    Lets doooo this!!

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs_imp ·
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    I'm in.

    I'm the heaviest I've ever ever been, and it's making me really sad.

    I'm currently 9st 11, and I want to get to 9st. Ideally by mid September, but I'd like to lose at least 5 pounds in the next 2 weeks so I don't look pregnant when we go to Ibiza.

    How- I'm going to do exercise 3 times a week. Either a gym class, a run or a swim. I'm going to limit carbs to once a day, not eat any chocolate or crisps, and no booze until Friday.

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    Ooh I'd like to join this! Have another 10 pounds to lose to get me to 9 and a half stone, I'm also really keen to tone up as well as lose weight so will be cutting out sugar and unnecessary snacking and carrying on going to the gym.

    My timeframe: 12 weeks - as my will power sucks.

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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    Day one!

    I'm using MFP - I havent got any friends on it though - does anyone want to add me for some motivation? I'm NT0110.

    I've forgone my normal skinny latte (150 cals) for a cup of tea with half a sugar and semi skimmed milk and a pint of water. Will have some fruit n fibre in a bit.

    Made prawn and mango salad for my lunch last night and thats now in the fridge after leaking in my handbag - not good!

    Planning on a brisk walk at lunchtime - might go and eat my salad in the park if its not cold.

    How are we all? Raring to go?!

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs_imp ·
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    I'll add you, it'll motivate me to actually use it. I can't remember my username, I'll update this once I've logged in.

    I've got loads of errands to do today and I'm going to go to aldi and do a healthy food shop. If there's no crap in the house I'm hopeful that I'll manage a good week. I'm also going to do the Gillian Michael DVD, wish me luck!

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
    Skeptical78 ·
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    Ha ha- you're all so skinny!! Seriously...

    Can I join this thread? I currently weigh 16 stone (yes, SIXTEEN stone ladies! That's some proper heft, right there!) and I want to try and lose another half a stone before the wedding in just under 4 weeks. I've already lost almost 2.5 stone, 4 inches off my waist and dropped a dress size (from a 20 to an 18; 16 in some places), but my weight loss is beginning to plateau which is annoying.

    I want to carry on and lose another 2 stone by Christmas, once the wedding / honeymoon is out of the way.

    My eventual target will be 12.5 stone (in my 'healthy' BMI range- I'm 5'11"). I can't ever remember weighing that much- the lightest I ever remember being is 14 stone!- so it'll be interesting to see if I can make it.

    Hoping to reach my final target by next Easter.

    I am going to achieve this the way that I've achieved my 2+ stone weight loss already: MFP, cutting down bread / pasta, etc., regular sessions with my personal trainer, plus running 3-4 times per week and spin / exercise classes at work 3-4 times a week.

    The weightloss has slowed RIGHT down (hence I need the extra motivation) but if I can lose 1 - 1.5 lbs a week I'll be happy.

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
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    So far, so good. I resisted the urge for toast for breakfast (double hard as H made a gorgeous bloomer loaf yesterday and it is seriously lush). Went with porridge, berries and banana instead. Planning a ham & veg omelette with salad for lunch and pasta bake for dinner.

    Not being able to do any exercise is really frustrating. I'm tempted to try out some gentle yoga later and see how my knee copes.

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    Food wise, I made a massive pan of ratatouille yesterday for tea- which was lovely- but had the same effect as a homemade laxative.

    All good for the weight loss!

    I've booked on to Pilates today. Didn't go for my morning run as a result of being up / down all night re: the above. Am SHATTERED (with the emphasis on SHAT)

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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    Urgh. Ok. I suppose. I am so SH1T at losing weight!!! So anyway, as of today I am going to try the 5:2 diet alongside slimming world principles.

    It's 9.23am on my first fasting day and I'm already starving. I hardly ever even have breakfast! It's all psychological.

    Skeppers - I must admit you don't look 16 stone. I'm surprised by that.

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
    Skeptical78 ·
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    Good god, if you're sure:

    2 tbsp olive oil
    2 aubergines
    1 yellow courgette
    2 green courgettes
    3 onions
    2 red and 2 yellow peppers (you're supposed to peel these but I never bother)
    4 large tomatoes (you're supposed to peel these and deseed, but I never bother either!)
    4 large cloves garlic
    fresh basil
    salt / fresh ground pepper

    Chop / dice all the veg into bite size pieces (cut the courgette a little smaller, ie. 1cm cubes approx)

    Get a big pan- you may have to fry off the veg in batches as there's quite a lot!

    I fried the onions / garlic first, then took them out and put the aubergine / courgettes in and cooked until soft- you might need a little bit more oil as the aubergine absorbs it like a sponge! But it's olive oil so it's OK. I then slung the onions back in and put the peppers / tomatoes in too. Cooked until starting to soften, sprinkled in some salt / pepper and some of the basil leaves, covered, then left to cook for about 20 mins.

    It's quite liquidy (you don't add liquid but quite a lot comes out of the veg) so you could cook it on a higher heat uncovered to reduce this down.

    At the end just grind in a bit more pepper and sling in a few more basil leaves and Bob's your uncle.

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
    Skeptical78 ·
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    Just goes to show, you can never tell! I think it's partly my weight that convinces me I'm bigger than I am. Mentally, I think, "Well, I'm 16 stone...I MUST be huge!"

    And they say that big bones is just an excuse.....! ?

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  • S
    Beginner October 2011
    SuperSpud ·
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    I forgot my lunch today - it's sat in the fridge at home Smiley sad Luckily I'm doing home at 1.15pm, but I'm bloody starving.

    I have, however, resisted the biscuits which a colleague brought into the office after her holiday. It's awful trying to loose weight when people keep bringing biscuits and chocolate in Smiley sad

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  • ashlil
    Beginner February 2011
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    Hi can I join from tomorrow as I've just pigged out all day!! already but I need to do something.

    haven't weighed myself but know i'm in comfortable 18 trousers.. So I would like to get into comfortable 16 trousers in approx 6 weeks. Then take it from there.

    going to up the exercise too.

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    I had a bowl of muesli and a banana for brekkie, and 2 cheesestrings (I know, I know...but I LOVE them!) and a pack of Bernard Matthews turkey breast chunks for lunch. Got some low fat sausages, the rest of the leftover ratatouille (which will basically cancel out everything I've eaten today by the time it performs its magic) and corn on the cob for tea! Possibly followed up with a lovely 90 cal Fab lolly.

    AND I've just done a Pilates class which was trickier than before (different instructor).

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  • Jaysmonkey
    Beginner August 2014
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    I'm happy to lose half a stone by 1st August next year, ideally though I'd like to loose a stone.

    Currently just under 10 stone, but my dress size varies from bum and thighs are my problem areas! *shakes fists*

    Have a gym membership, which I've been pretty proactive with. I also eat vegan and never use oil.

    Do have the 30DS's just still in the cellophane ?

    Contemplating swimming this week as well, not sure though.

    My main issue is my job, sitting on my arse has made me gain weight, I don't snack at my desk either ?

    I have to be pretty careful as I'm a former AN and BN sufferer, so I can quite easily overdo things.

    Good luck everyone x

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  • Tizzie
    Beginner June 2012
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    Well I've done sh1t today!

    I've got a cake stall tonight so I've had some cake, meringue and marshmallow! And I'll probably end up with some form of takeaway as I'm not finished till about 10!

    Theres always tomorrow!!

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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    Basically eating as if I'm on slimming world most of the time then on my fasting days just eating what I need to get me through the days on 500 calories or less!

    So on SW days = unlimited pasta, rice, potatoes, veg, fruit, meat with visible fat removed etc. No calorie restrictions but try and eat healthily.

    Fasting days = 500 calories per day. Today I've had three cups of tea with semi skimmed milk and 3 dark ryvita with low fat cream cheese. That leaves me 300 for my dinner. So I'm planing on havign special k with skimmed milk and a glass of wine! Smiley laugh

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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    All about priorities, K! Ha!

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    Kharv, as a complete aside; in your new sig the little fella in the second from right panel looks like Guy Wade. Have you made a voodoo doll of him?!

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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    Haha he does a bit! Alas, that was an Italian dude!

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
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    All the MFP peeps, I don't know who I have got over there, if anyone wants to add me I am jinwaamo (my pic is me on honeymoon in a bikini, my inspiration to get back to nearer 12 stone.)

    I weighed myself today and have put on 1 stone since this time last year *weep*.

    Goal - get back down to 12 stone 4lbs. I was happy and healthy there and felt good.

    Method - SW was no good for me, so I am going back to the old fashioned way - eat sensibly with the odd treat thrown in, gym, 30DS, MFP. NO more bingeing on cake and chocolate! But also if I do go nuts now and again not to chuck it all in for one bad day.

    Timeframe - I have a wedding to go to on Nov 2nd, so I would like to have at least half a stone off by then.

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  • Cat In A Teacup
    Beginner August 2015
    Cat In A Teacup ·
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    Excellent idea, hopefully the kick start that I need!

    At my heaviest last year I was almost 15st. This January I weighed 13st 10lbs and I am now at 12st. I have gone from a size 18 (not that I would admit it at the time!) to a 12/14.

    It has slowed a lot since I stopped doing as much exercise so I really want to start running again, I just hate going on my own and don't have any friends! Well, no friends nearby.

    I am not sure what my final goal is other than to reach a weight where I feel comfortable and healthy. I am considering signing up for a 10k run or something as motivation....

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  • nanny plum
    Beginner September 2011
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    I would like to join in. I have put on half a stone in the last 4 weeks. The first week I was on holiday and the last three I have quit smoking. The stopping smoking is a huge thing for me, when not pregnant I have smoked 20 a day for the last 20 years. Trying very very hard not to replace with food. I will calorie count. Possibly do some exercise as well,just about over the torture that was the 30 day shred. Currently 8.11, would like to be 8.5.

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    Ooh i'll join in please, still in the process of losing weight but been a bit slow the last 3 weeks so been back on it and hopefully will get a good loss tomorrow and be back on track.
    I started at 15st 3lbs & have lost 24 lbs so far so now weigh 13st 7lbs (not been bothered to update ticker lol)

    Goal - To reach 11st (Over 30lbs)

    Method - Fast walking, swimming, Jillian Michaels 30 days shred, propoints plan, eating properly, drinking lots of water & green tea, no eating late at night & 1/2 treats a week.

    Timeframe - 12 weeks. (hopeful?)

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  • BarcaGirl25
    Beginner April 2014
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    Right day 1 gym and 30DS! Walked for about an hour too. Tuna sandwich lunch and steamed fished with greens for dinner Smiley smile

    Feeling virtuous! It's at this point I usually "reward myself" with chocolate hehe!!

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  • clarehj
    Beginner April 2012
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    *cries* I thought a skinny latte was about 97 calories? Medium size?

    I'll add you if ok - I need serious motivation. I'm claremarion on MFP

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  • clarehj
    Beginner April 2012
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    Ha my photo is like that too - me on my hen do at my lightest for inspiration!

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