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NEW Weight Loss Thread!

11 of August of 2013 at 09:00

Posted on Off Topic Posts 67

I have just weighed in after a good few weeks of filling my piggy face from the fuckit bucket and I have put on SIX pounds! I am a glutton. So I have logged back into My Fitness Pal and am doing level 3 of 30DS this afternoon and cooking a lovely, low fat roast chicken for lunch. Who fancies joining...

I have just weighed in after a good few weeks of filling my piggy face from the fuckit bucket and I have put on SIX pounds! I am a glutton. So I have logged back into My Fitness Pal and am doing level 3 of 30DS this afternoon and cooking a lovely, low fat roast chicken for lunch.

Who fancies joining in? I did so much better when I was checking in with you lot before!

I dont think I will do a chart again but how about those of us who want in add a goal, method and timeframe? I will go first:

Goal - to lose a total of 11 pounds to take me to a nice, even 11st. (started out at 13st 4!) To exercise and turn the 11st into something much less flabby.

Method - MFP, 30DS, maybe C25K and NO MORE SNACKING ON RUBBISH.

Timeframe: 6 weeks and then maintain, do not act like fat yo-yo.

67 replies

  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    I have a skinny latte every day without fail, sometimes 2 and still lose weight so they don't do me too much harm.
    When working hard I was averaging about 3 1/2 loss a week so I was happy with that, couldn't do without my lattes lol Smiley smile

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    Ok so day one wasn't too bad - salad for lunch, only one can of coke, salted popcorn as a snack and some ryvita. Dinner - pasta and vegetables.

    I chickened out of going to the gym but did do half an hour of a Davina DVD so not all bad.

    Part of my problem is not the weight but how it's distributed - I'm pear shaped and small on top (about an 8 to 10) but much bigger on the bottom (12,14,16 depending on the shop) so I think (hope) the answer lies with toning, keeping fit and lots of sit ups plus generally making my diet healthier!

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
    SaSaSi ·
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    I'll join. I've lost 12lb in the past 4months & want to lose another 16lb. Want 7lb off for a wedding 7th sept & the rest by nov (2wks in turkey end of sept!! So being v realistic)

    i eat clean, limit carbs, drink loads of water & green tea, 2 runs & 2 kettlebells class each week plus half hr walks couple times a wk at lunch.


    protein shake, yogurt with berries & chia seeds

    chicken & quinoa salad

    apple & almond butter

    chicken in soy sauce & garlic, con on cob, crispy kale

    Graze box healthy brownie - delicious 100 calories!

    5K run

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  • clarehj
    Beginner April 2012
    clarehj ·
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    I've had fish and veg for dinner and raspberries on dessert.

    Already hungry.

    Is it wrong that I like the warning sign sayng I've eaten too little today?

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
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    It's naughty to be under but makes up for days you are over!

    I am definitely over today, tea was healthy but just far too much of it plus bread on the side.

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
    Skeptical78 ·
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    I feel like sh*t today. Fat, bloated and puffy. And I have spots (I never get spots).

    AND I'VE GOT A DRESS FITTING TONIGHT! *grins maniacally then deteriorates into pathetic sobbing*


    I didn't do too badly yesterday; using MFP I was a good 50 cals below my daily target (I'm on 1500 a day) which included a few squares of G&B chocolate, plus I did Pilates at lunchtime. I have been feeling super tired and achy lately though, and today I am in a super bad mood. Don't know what's wrong with me but I just want to eat CAKE and feel sorry for myself.

    Today's plan:



    I WILL have a vanilla skinny latte, I think I need one to get me through the day today...

    Salad (being lazy, will buy one from M&S) aim for about 300 cals.

    Baked salmon and steamed pak choi

    I make that about 1250 calories. Not doing a spin class today (not got time for a shower before my fitting so don't want to rock up a sweaty Betty) but will go for a walk into town at lunchtime as I need to buy a new top to cover UP MY HIDEOUS GUT! ?

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    Whereabouts are you based? (on the slim offchance it's anywhere near me....)

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    I'll join in on this, though I haven't weighed myself yet. I'm going to weigh myself in the morning and go from there. I fear that I'm now around 11 stone, and I want to be 10 but I shall confirm tomorrow.

    I'm going to try the shred tonight, but my knees are v scabby, so not sure how much I'll be able to do what with the press ups and everyfink.

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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    Hi ladies. So I was under my cal allowance yesterday. and so far im WELL under today's.

    B - Fruit n Fibre, Tea and Water

    L - Tuna Salad

    D - either chicken or salmon with stir fry veg - havent chosen yet.

    Drinking loads of water too to try and flush me through!

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    This is what I need to do; I don't drink NEARLY enough and only tend to drink water when I'm working out. Might force myself to drink more (water) today!

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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    Its apparently the big secret for weight loss!

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs_imp ·
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    Yesterday was *ok* for me. MFP thinks I was under my calorie intake, but I'm not convinced. I think I was probably just over in reality, I find it hard when entering home made foods.

    Today I'm determined to have a better day.

    breakfast- banana and a cup of green tea. A pint of water.

    lunch- ham cheese and tomatoe wrap, an apple, and a pint of water.

    tea- Asian beef noodles. More water.

    snacks- blueberries and grapes

    Plenty more green tea too.

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    I don't know the science behind it (if any) but when I used to do Weightwatchers and would plateau for weeks on end, the consultant lady would check my food diary and tell me off for not eating enough. Lo and behold, I'd eat more and the loss would kickstart again. Crazy times.

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
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    I've just been for my first run since my miscarriage. It was only 1.5 miles but I ran it non stop and I'm bloody well chuffed with myself!

    Sorry for the self indulgent post!

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    No apology needed! Well done.

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    I went to sports direct purchased one of these:

    It's a litre and has a measuring thingy up the side. I drink one of these a day at work now. Not much, but it's a start.

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  • Tizzie
    Beginner June 2012
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    this! That's fab!

    AFM had a fail of a day yesterday and today hasn't been much better. Still feeling crappy and my boss called me "broad boned" which didn't help. But back to aqua aerobics tommorow and going food shopping tonight so hopefully be a bit better.

    Only problem is I have to feed me, H (veg-phobic), my brother (fussy bugger) and my mum. No one gives me meal ideas either so I don't have a clue then they all moan!

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
    Arquard ·
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    Urgh, I have to weigh in tonight and I reeeeaally don't want to. Think I'll just weigh in and skip the group bit. I'm really missing my exercise without the school run/freedom to do yoga. Cannot wait for my knee to ease up a bit. I tried walking to and from Tesco today (only just over a mile!) and I reeeeaaally hurt now.

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  • Cat In A Teacup
    Beginner August 2015
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    I am in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. It would be awesome if there was an Otter nearby who wanted to take up running. I'm friendly, promise!

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  • *Munchkin*
    Beginner October 2013
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    I'm a newbie to OT, but can I join in too please?

    I'm trying to lose at least 1 stone before my wedding at the end of October, and started using MFP yesterday. It's recommended 1200 calories a day, which feels so little after tarting around with SW and WW over the last couple of years (Lost 1 and a half stone a couple of years ago, but have regained every delicious pound since moving in with OH).

    10 weeks to go... Argh.

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  • Tizzie
    Beginner June 2012
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    Bumping this back up if no one minds.

    I've had a really sh1tty weekend or week really and I'm starting fresh from tomorrow. I'm 9st 4lbs which isn't as bad as I'd thought. I'm mainly going to be walking to/from work twice a week, aqua aerobics and not eating sh1t. I'm back on MFP too so I'm not too bothered about eating very little, just trying to be healthy.

    So I'm going to try and walk either to or from work tomorrow and do day 1 of the 30 day ab challenge.

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  • Rosco298
    Beginner February 2014
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    Hi I'm late to the party but can I join in? I was doing the 30DS with the otters but I fell off that bandwagon. I did quite well I was down at 10st 1lb trying to break the 10st barrier but I've just got back from holiday and after far too much cake and wine I'm back up to 10st 6lb!!! So to stop the slippery slope and before I end up pushing 12st again I'm back to MFP I'm also planning a run in the morning as we have a 10km Royal Marine challenge in October to train for. I also need to tone up my arms as despite everything I said I've gone and bought a strapless wedding dress so now need better arms.

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  • Skeptical78
    Beginner September 2013
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    I have taken my dress fitting last week (where the seamstress basically ordered me not to lose any more weight because she can't take the dress in any more!) as carte blanche to ditch the diet! I'm still not going crazy, but I'm not sticking religiously to the 1500 cals per day. I am, however, sticking with the exercise- I've seen my personal trainer each weekend for the past 2 weeks and it's been going well.


    I woke up on Sunday morning and I've done my back in!! I can't bend or twist, and I'm in agony. I must've slept at an odd angle- I was fine when I went to bed Saturday night. I'm dosed up on painkillers and I tried doing a Pilates class yesterday to loosen it up...just made it worse! So I am off exercise at the moment too. Fortunately the wedding is just under 3 weeks away so (unless I eat pizza EVERY night) there's little chance of me gaining a huge amount of weight before the day, but it's interfering with my toning / running which is really hacking me off.

    Trying to walk loads to compensate for the lack of other exercise. We've also procured a cross trainer which I can do in short bursts before my back goes.

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  • Cat In A Teacup
    Beginner August 2015
    Cat In A Teacup ·
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    Despite a ridiculously bad week involving cream teas, creamy pasta, pizza and more Gin than a person should consume in one night (it's fine with slimline right!?), I have lost half a pound.

    I am hoping to lose 6lbs by 14th September when my little sis is having a housewarming. I think I need to stop my daily chocolate croissant....

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