Thanks for everyones advice last week ladies! I've now been sitting down and approaching things a little more pragmatcially.
I'm still thinking about a few locations, and would like to get married at the venue we choose, but ;
Having attended a few weddings, every registry office I have been to has not been particularly spectular. Quite humdrum really. And even though I believe in god, I hate religon, and don't want to get married in a church where the vicar is telling us that god will help our marriage and god gave us our children etc, because I just don't beleive that. I don't want hymns because I don't feel I have to sing to god. What we have we achieved through hard work, not through gods intervention.
But I really like the idea of getting married in a lovely old church as a building.
So I am wondering was anyone in a similar situation? and did they feel that they missed out by not getting married in a church?
Or should I just concentrate on the venue and just get married there? and if I do that how do I book a registar? Do I call the local registry office? Or can I pick and choose the registar I want somehow?