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Oh crap - my mot expired - just a quick bit of advice please

15 August, 2008 at 15:47 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 4

Right, just looked at my car documents and found my MOT expired on 1st August. I know it's no excuse because I should have been organised enough to have sorted it out before the expiry date, but I have been unwell (bipolar disorder) and was in hospital having tried to kill myself at the time. Was discharged properly this monday (11th) but I have slept for a large proportion of this week.

Obviously I need to get it sorted, so I'm going to ask H to deal with that for me (I'm so ridiculously tired on this new medication moving is such an effort, plus I'm not allowed to drive).

Just a couple of thoughts:

- is a garage likely to refuse to do it because it's late?

- what about driving to the garage, surely having no MOT means it's uninsured?

- all the scary "you are on the database" stuff for car tax, does that apply to MOT also (ie. is there likely to be a fine on its way to me?

- if I keep it off road, does it matter that it doesn't have an MOT?

See, because I am unwell, I am having to declare to the DVLA about my condition and they will make a decision on whether I can keep my licence. I am therefore in a bit of a quadary that if I could put my car off road am I allowed to have it without an MOT? i.e. it could be 3 or 6 months before I can drive again, part of me thinks I should just stick it on mine or my mum's drive and then i am not "wasting" those months of the MOT.

Sorry if this made no sense. I'm a bit groggy at the moment.

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Latest activity by Licenses4us, 13 June, 2024 at 07:22
  • A
    Beginner August 2007
    alison76 ·
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    I *think* if you are driving your car to have it's MOT then it's ok to drive it. IYSWIM.

    Garage shouldn't refuse to do it.

    And with a recent discussion, check your insurance policy to see if a lapsed MOT invalidates the insurance. It does for some but not all.

    Hope you manage to sort everything.

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  • S
    Beginner January 2006
    seraphina ·
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    If your tax disc is still valid you can leave it on the road.

    You will need to phone the MOT place in advance and book an MOT appointment so that if you're stopped on the way to the MOT you can say that you are driving a car without an MOT certificate to an MOT test - you can drive a car without an MOT if you're on your way to the test.

    A garage should not refuse it just because it has no current MOT

    As for fines/databases etc I think you'll be okay but not 100% sure.

    Goold luck with your recovery!

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  • Katchoo
    Katchoo ·
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    Garage will not refuse to do the MOT because it's late,

    AFAIK you are allowed to drive an un-MOT'ed vehicle between your house and the place of testing, provided you have an MOT booked.

    I don't believe there is an MOT database - but I'm not 100% on that since they went computerised.

    It doesn't matter if it isn't MOT'd if it is off the road, except that I believe your insurance is invalid, should it get stolen or broken into. You might want to check on that with your insurance company.

    I'm sorry you're unwell - bipolar is awful. Hope you're feeling better soon.

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  • twiggy
    Beginner November 2005
    twiggy ·
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    The garage will not refuse to do your MOT despite it being late. They may backdate it to when it was due though.

    You can drive it to the MOT but you must have an appointment booked so that if the police stop you it can be verified that that is where you are going

    Your MOT is on the Police database now as well as your insurance but you will not be automatically fined. At the moment it does not say when your MOT ran out it only tells them whether there is a valid MOT for the vehicle or not.

    HTH and hope you feel better soon!!


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