Bit of a backstory.... when I was at school I was best friends with a girl called Anne. Anne and I were inseparable pretty much throughout middle school & high school and still close after high school ended.
About 10 years ago she got married (I was a guest at her wedding) and then I moved away so gradually we lost touch and now, we don't speak at all, not through a falling out but just through our lives not moving in the same direction, I have seen her on and off in those ten years, but just as a casual "hi, how are you?" rather than a full on catch up.... I'm quite sad about what's happened to our friendship but it is what it is, I have tried to make an effort to see her but she's never been that bothered in the past. She's basically now just a friend on Facebook who I don't really see.
So obviously now I'm the one getting married and because we've not seen each other in so many years she falls under the '3-year rule'. Basically if I've not seen someone for three years then they're not invited.
Back to Facebook; whilst I'm purposely not putting much on there to do with our wedding, anything I have put up Anne's 'liked' or commented on, which is fine, it's a social network and a free country, but it's literally every single thing and now I'm starting to feel guilty that she won't be invited because she's clearly interested in the fact I am getting married.
Now if she picks up the phone and calls or we get back in touch some other way then, potentially yes, she will be invited but as things stand right now she won't. I don't want to hurt her feelings and although it doesn't stop me feeling guilty, I think I'm doing the right thing here.
How would you react under these circumstances? Do you think I'm doing the right thing?