I just wanted to reiterate what I've said on my previous post (rant alert...at the end of my tether!) that Spikeygoodness recommended to me www.foodfocus.co.uk, it's basically a website that calculates how many calories your body needs according to your weight and height, you chose how much you want to lose per week and it calculates how many calories you need to lose the weight. Well I've done it for 1 week and I've lost 4.5LBS!!!! I can't bloomin believe it!!! You can add exercise on there too, even doing 10 mins of housework burns calories which in turn calculates to give you a new total so you can either eat more that day, or burn more! I find I'm going for a walk just to put it down on the spreadsheet lol!! It gives you how much fat/protein and carbs are in each food item (ignorant little me didn't realise butter was 99% fat, yes, laugh everyone,lol!!) so you automatically choose healthier versions and have smaller portions. From being a depressed non motivated lazy moo, I've lost weight, eating better and feel better in just a week! Got another 4 months to go before I lose the 2 stone, but if its as easy as this, well, I'd be VERY happy!! And the best bit about it? It's FREE!!!!!!!
Thought I'd share for all you ladies out there are struggling at the mo. I'm so glad this site was recommended to me, I can't praise it highly enough.
Good luck ladies!
Lauren x