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Beginner June 2010

One bridesmaid?

Steelgoddess, 30 November, 2009 at 00:24 Posted on Planning 0 26

Just wondered if anyone only had one bridesmaid and if they were happy with thier choice to do so...

26 replies

Latest activity by Mel B, 28 January, 2010 at 15:12
  • The BFG
    Beginner August 2010
    The BFG ·
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    Hi i cant give an opinion based on experience as my wedding isnt until August plus im having 3! Ive not been to a wedding where there has only been one bridesmaid but thats not to say its unheard of either, i actualy think its down to personal choice and that you should have whoever you want.

    If you are going down the solo BM route would you be having an adult BM or a younger one? if you would be having a young BM/flower girl then only having the one may have potential problems as far as keeping her organised and on track throughout the day, although with careful planing im sure you would sort any such potential problems.

    If you are to be having a solo adult BM then you can really use this to your advantage as she would be able to assist you not only in the planning but all the way through the day itself, and you can have so much fun along the way too as alot of us have found with our CBM etc.

    P.S i saw your dress on another thread......................................... lurrrrvely!!!!! x

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  • inalein
    Beginner August 2010
    inalein ·
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    I started off with only one BM. I was never really fussed about it, and in Germany you usually have more of a Witness than a BM. However, since she still lives in Germany and cannot be as involved as she'd like and some of my friends here have been really involved, I now chose my 3 pals here as BM's and my friend in Germany is the CBM/Witness. But I probably would have been quiet happy just with her, however I thought it was only fair to the other girls to make them BM's.

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  • diamondsragirlsbestfriend!
    Beginner May 2008
    diamondsragirlsbestfriend! ·
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    I just had one Bridesmaid. Suited me fine as I was orgnaising our wedding from the other side of the world and co-ordinating more than one would have been too much hassle. Also she was my natural choice and it was easy because she was not part of my other circles so there was no risk of upsetting others - though tbh I and my friends are in our mid thrities and none of them would have really been upset at not being a BM, think we have passed that stage.

    I have never been one for loads of BM's and we got married in a tiny little country chuch so would have looked a bit much. Added bonus is that having one is a lot cheaper too and also you only have to worry about what suits her and not 2 or 3 others at the same time.

    If you want one just go for it. There are no hard and fast rules.

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  • Gillsy
    Beginner April 2010
    Gillsy ·
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    I think there are no rules when it comes to this. Some people don't have any BMs. I've been to weddings where there have been only one BM.

    Its your choice, if you only want one then thats what to do. Plus as others said - it does keep your costs down if you are on a budget.

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  • overtherainbow
    overtherainbow ·
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    It's fairly common for Brides to only have one bridesmaid particularly if they have just one Sister. These days it's very much of what the couple want rather than what's tradition. When you look at all the threads on here about problems with bridesmaids, I think if I was doing it all again, I would probably only have one ?

    p.s. the largest number of bridesmaids I've done on one order was 15! A whole aisle full!

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  • GeordieBarbie
    Beginner May 2010
    GeordieBarbie ·
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    There's no right or wrong answer - it's purely down to personal choice.

    I'm having 2 - though since one is due to drop a sprong 2 weeks before so quite possibly i'll only have one of the day!

    TBH - I think a lot of the times, people have too many bridesmaids. So stick with your guns if you only want one ?

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
    HatTrick ·
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    Well I'm not much help as I'm having 6. But.... 5 of them are under 13, so I'm only having one adult BM.

    I think one would be fine but it depends what you are expecting from your BM. I was the only BM for my aunt when I was 10, but obviously I didnt have much input into the wedding, I just went in and strutted my stuff on the day ? If you want a BM who will be helping you out throught the day and with the planning then I still think 1 Bm would be enough, but obviously they would have to be older. If you are paying for the BM dress/shoes/accessories then having 1 would save a LOT of money.

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  • A
    Anir ·
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    Im having one adult bridesmaid (my sister) and one little one - her daughter. I was going to ask two freinds also but it gets expensive!!

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  • Liverbird
    Beginner August 2012
    Liverbird ·
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    I'm another who's just having one adult bridesmaid, my sister - partly cos it's bloomin' expensive to kit them out and also my best mate is male and I doubt he'd be too impressed if I asked him to put a frock on, lol. I am having a flowergirl (5) and pageboy (3) as well but I don't expect them to do much other than look pretty since they'll be so little!

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  • Vanilla Pod Design (HIB)
    Vanilla Pod Design (HIB) ·
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    At my sisters wedding I was the only bridesmaid and it will be the same the other way round too as she will be mine. For me it would help to avoid the if you have 'x' as a bridesmaid then you also have to have 'y' and 'z' situation if you know what I mean.

    I also found it really nice being the only bridesmaid as I got a lot of say in my dress so I was certian it really suited me :o)

    Susan x.

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  • Little.Miss-Scatterbrain
    Beginner September 2009
    Little.Miss-Scatterbrain ·
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    I only had one bridesmaid, and a flower girl. i initally was having 3 bridesmaids, 3 flower girls and 2 pageboys but then we scaled down our wedding so we could get married 6mths earlier and it would have looked ridiculous with so many people at the alter and only 30 in the congregation i just had my best mate and one of my close friends daughters as the flower girl. it also meant i didnt have to worry how much dresses, shoes, flowers etc were costing because i only had a couple to buy!


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  • Lynseys Designs
    Lynseys Designs ·
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    I only had one and it was the perfect decision. Didn't have any arguements about dresses not suiting some, colours not suiting another, hair styles etc etc etc. Its cheaper and easier and I personally don't have a massive circle of friends and don't have any sisters, not that close to my now sil so I didn't have a hard decision to make. I certainly don't think having one looks strange and even if it does it really doesn't matter. Here are us together.

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  • K
    Beginner April 2010
    kazndave ·
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    I'm only having 1 BM n 2 flowergirls. H2B's sister is my BM n she's loving the organising of it. It was easier cos I only had to find something to suit her n the little ones will look good in anything (they're only 3). I wanted my best mate to be involved somewhere so it was either 2 BMs or her daughter as flowergirl.

    it also means i get more to spend on other things cos my BM is great at bargain hunting n found her dress in m&s for £50!

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  • U
    Beginner December 2009
    Umbrellacademic ·
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    I am having one bridesmaid- my stepdaughter. If she had decided not to, I would not have had any. I think it all comes down to what you want youself


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  • Steelgoddess
    Beginner June 2010
    Steelgoddess ·
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    Thanks ladies!!

    Thanks PG for sharing that picture which might i add is lovely! I think I will just stick with my sister and keep it personal to me, after all it is not a large affair so tbh having more then 1 might look a little bit silly...

    My little boy will be paige boy, its so exciting,


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  • phnee
    phnee ·
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    I want to add my thanks as well.

    I have only one bridesmaid plus a flower girl and page boy but I have been deliberating over whether to have more. It is really difficult to try and decide if people will be offended not being asked or will think it is odd that you have asked. I also started to worry because I'm so used to seeing photos with loads of bridesmaids!

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  • J
    Beginner September 2010
    JackieS ·
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    I'm only having one bridesmaid too (my cousin who will be 12)........I was going to have more but I couldn't choose between a few people and couldn't afford to have them all, so I figured it was easier just to have my cousin as I didn't want to have to chose (although I doubt my friends would have minded much. I'm also have my godson (14 months) as a page boy

    I don't think it'll be weird at all

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  • MsJackson78
    Beginner March 2010
    MsJackson78 ·
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    I am not having any BM as couldnt possibly choose between several of my friends, a cousin and I dont have any sisters to make the decision any easier. I think you should have what you want, I am having a church wedding and everyone thinks I should have BM but I am happy with my decision.

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  • tahdah
    Beginner September 2009
    tahdah ·
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    I had my best friend, I wouldn't have wanted any more...tbh, I haven't got any sisters or any one as close as she is.

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  • BonnieLass
    BonnieLass ·
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    I have only my sister as Matron of Honour, then her son as Page boy (3) & my cousin as Flower girl (4). I'm so glad I stuck to what I wanted, she is in Australia & it wouldve been a nightmare to please more than one (though all she has to do is find a black dress that she loves). The Flower girl is in deep purple, another of my colours.

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  • J
    Beginner July 2010
    janbonjovi ·
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    I'm just having the 1 - my 10yr old god-daughter. Friends have joked about turning up in the same dresses but think they're joking ;-))

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  • GeordieBarbie
    Beginner May 2010
    GeordieBarbie ·
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    You can have none if you want! Bascially - you need one person to be your witness - someone over 18 (i think - or maybe 16) who can understand the service and sign on your behalf ot make it official. As long as you have one of them you can have who you like and call them what you like - brdiesmaid, Maid of Honor, witness...

    Those who are having only 1 young bridesmaid, I'm assuming are having an adult witness too?

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  • J
    Beginner September 2010
    JackieS ·
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    Geordie - yes. We'll be having our best man and his wife as our witnesses Smiley smile

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
    HatTrick ·
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    I was an only BM for my aunt, when I was 11 so I dont know who helped her through the planning! ?

    I wish I could only have 1, I am having my best friend and then the other 5 are younger girls who I 'have' to have as they are family. ?

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  • A
    Beginner June 2011
    Annikabella ·
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    I'm just having my neice, she's 13 and has been looking forward to being my bridesmaid one day for as long as I can remember (I was only 11 when she was born!) so it means a lot to her, Neither of my sisters are bothered and its only a small ceremony. SIL did ask in a half jokey way when we first announced it but gets that I just want to keep it simple; tis only a small close family only deal and I've decided against asking my nephews to be page boys and tbh tehy didnt seem fussed either way.

    I did want a man of honour tho, my closest, oldest friend is a bloke but we've now decided against friends (mostly as OH feels he can't ask one or two without others getting shirty- he seems to be getting the 'girly' hassles with this!)

    Good luck with it (and to everyone else)

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  • Mrs Tonner 2010
    Beginner June 2010
    Mrs Tonner 2010 ·
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    I'm having my best friend as bridesmaid and my daughter as flower girl (she'll be 1)

    They're my two favourite people so there isn't anyone else i would want to ask!

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  • Mel B
    Mel B ·
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    I'm only having 1 mb and she is my best friend. I do have sisters but they are more than happy to let friend do it as oldest sis is acting as my mum on the day. OH and I do have nieces but togther we have 8 nieces and 3 nephews so I decided not to ask any of them to be bm's but ask a couple of the older ones to do readings and read bidding prayers in church.


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