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Beginner September 2017

Only inviting some ex coworkers, feel conflicted help!

SomethingBlue11, 19 of February of 2017 at 17:53 Posted on Planning 0 2

Hi, so I left a company about 6 months ago, had worked there 5 years and was close with my coworkers (all female and similar ages) we would go for drinks after work etc. Now I have left we still all meet up as a group all together sometimes. There was about 4 of them that I was always closer to, two of whom live in the same town as me so we sometimes meet without the others, and the other two I used to see separately (had similar taste in films etc and used to go to the cinema together)

the awkward thing now is that we now mainly all meet up together including the ones I'm not so close to, so I probably see them all about the same amount (ish) as the others now. I only invited the ones I have always felt closer to, and now feel constantly conflicted when we all meet up together. Part of me feels like they wouldn't expect an invite, but then other times I wonder if I'm being rude. Can anyone relate to this please? I think I might just be beating myself up over something that I do t need to worry about... but I am getting quite sensitive over the wedding and worry about what people think.

Its weird, before I got engaged I thought we would do what we wanted and not care what anyone thought, but now it's happened people keep being shocked at our ideas and I feel sensitive about it, and feel like I'm losing sight of the fact that it's about us and no one else. For example, were not having bridesmaids or ushers and we're having the wedding where we live as aposed to where I grew up, which is far away and as a result a couple of very elderly relatives on my side can't come. All of a sudden I feel like I need my parents approval and worry that they don't like our decisions (they haven't said anything but I just get a feeling) it's all so difficult!

sorry to go off on a tangent there. I guess I am a bit overwhelmed.

2 replies

Latest activity by DreamcatcherVN, 19 of March of 2017 at 22:07
  • 2BMrsC
    Beginner May 2017
    2BMrsC ·
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    ...and breathe! Honestly, you are NOT alone in feeling like this- I have had similar torments over my guest list for both day and evening.

    I had the added difficulty of handing out the invites to the ex colleagues I did invite in front of the ones I didn't invite!

    Whilst it wasn't easy to do, I simply fell back on the one thing everyone understands..... 'I'm so sorry, we had a limited budget and sadly it just didn't stretch to inviting everyone we would have liked to...'

    The minute you mention money and not being able to afford for everyone to come those who might have been upset or offended suddenly completely understands!

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  • S
    Beginner September 2017
    SomethingBlue11 ·
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    Thank you 2BMrsC! I can't believe I'm stressing about this still. It's so difficult! My fiancé is just saying stop stressing, they won't mind either way but I just keep fretting about what they're thinking. I always worry that people don't like me and so I even worry that the ex colleagues that i did invite think it's weird I invited them because they don't see me as as good a friend as I see them. Crazy right? I think it's because a couple of the girls I sent a save the date to didn't acknowledge they had received it, and so now I'm reading into that when there's probably nothing to worry about.

    This is why I don't arrange parties for my birthday. I worry that I'll be let down and that I'm not well liked enough. I always had friends at school, but I think because I moved to the other end of the country 9 years ago I've had to start again with friendships (hardly ever see my friends from back home) and always worry that all these ex colleagues and uni friends are my only ones, but they all have their own really close friendship group of their own and don't really see me as as good a friend as I see them.

    Gosh wedding planning really brings out worries that wouldn't have been so important otherwise! Sorry to ramble ?

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  • D
    Beginner May 2017
    DreamcatcherVN ·
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    I was in a similar situation, not with colleagues but with a group of friends. 2 of them I am close to and meet up with quite a bit, the other two I only ever see when we meet up as a group. I figured if I wouldn't normally call or text them to meet up for lunch on their own then I couldn't justify inviting them over other people in my life just because they are good friends with the other 2 girls. I still feel a bit bad about it and if I had a bigger budget I would probably have invited them, but trying to stick to my original decision. (I did come close to inviting them, as was going to meet up as a group a couple of weeks ago but they both cancelled at the last minute-something they both do often!)

    If you wouldn't normally meet up with them without the other friends then I'm not sure they'd expect an invite?

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