How can I stop coughing???
Its driving me MAD!!!!! ? I caught a chill in my chest when I was out running along the beach last Saturday morning (silly I know) and by the time I got home I had to just jump straight into bed in full running kit (minus the running shoes) as I was shaking so hard cos I was cold. Took me the best part of 2 hours to even feel remotely warm. Felt cold all last weekend with a little bit of a cough now and again. Felt sick all day Monday and Tuesday, again with a little bit of a cough.
Went to the doctor on Tuesday, they said it was viral, nothing they could do - come back if it gets worse - See ya. Fair enough ? When I went to bed Tuesday night had a 102c temp and I must have coughed 5 hours solid before I even managed to get any sleep.
I've been coughing every since. Got a cough bottle on Wednesday - a chesty one that apparently "knock you out" when you go to bed - and nothings happening. Just feel damn well rubbish this evening.
I know this is a bit self indulgent but can anybody give me any suggestions??? Anybody got the same thing just now???
Trying to stay positive with these thoughts - 1. Losing weight through not eating as much, 2. Abs are getting a mega workout with all the coughing, 3. saving money cos I can't go out. ?