Doing the rounds on Facebook at the moment. Thought it might be fun to do it on here and get to know each other better. Give us 25 random facts about yourself. I'll start:
1. I have extraordinarily sensitive hearing, but in a crowded room can't pick out individual voices so appear deaf.
2. Because I find this embarrassing, I often don't tell people when I don't hear what they've said.
3. I read the last two Harry Potter books, back to back, in a day.
4. I didn't get my ears pierced til I was 23.
5. I write down everything I eat and drink, every day.
6. I hate spiders.
7. I don't like odd numbers. It makes me happy that my birthday (16/8) and our wedding anniversary (2/8) are both made up of two even numbers.
8. 8 is the best number.
9. I have to keep things in the same order all the time or it drives me nuts.
10. Sometimes, I hate my job.
11. Most of the time, I love my job.
12. I'm the world's best procrastinator. Right now I should be either marking coursework or sitting in the pub enjoying end of half term drinks with colleagues, but I'm not...
13. ...because I have the worst memory and often forget to do things if I don't do them straight away.
14. With one exception, I've never been 100% happy with any decision I have made.
15. I'm rubbish at small talk, especially on the telephone or in the car.
16. Because of this I often end up garbling rubbish, just to fill any potentially awkward gaps in conversation.
17. I wore a black armband when River Phoenix died.
18. Even though I've lost loads of weight, I still feel like a fat person.
19. And see a fat person in the mirror.
20. I hate forwarded e-mails with a passion, yet on the very rare occasion I find one funny I can't resist sending it on.
21. I hate the colour red; orange isn't far behind.
22. Thanks to my grandmother, when I see a man with a beard I can't help wondering how he keeps his face clean.
23. I'm sick of London and would move away tomorrow if I could.
24. I hate keeping secrets from friends, and when I sometimes have to it eats me up inside.
25. I've never felt that I'm good at anything. I don't think I'll ever be better than satisfactory.