Really need some advice about how to deal with my wedding invite list.
Some background: My parents are very generously paying for the wedding. This has been the source of lots of arguments as they feel they should have a say about everything we do (e.g. venue, gift list etc). I'm sure they're right but we've struggled to agree on things, leading to problems.
Anyway the latest point of disagreement is the invite list.
We are inviting 98 people. Originally, my parents gave me the list of people they wanted to invite (family/ their friends etc) - 25 people.
The OH and I split the remaining number between our friends and his family. Because he's got lots of family, it ended up with lots of his family, a few of his friends, lots of my friends and quite a few mutual friends. My parents have looked at our list and are now upset at how many of his family are coming.
They now want to include 7 more of our cousins to even things out. In order to fit these extras on the list, they are saying that he can't invite his cousins. i.e. they're putting 7 more on their list and taking 7 off his. This leaves the OH with only 28 guests including all his friends and family. It leaves him with no cousins on the list and us with 14.
I feel like this is totally unfair and it's really upsetting me and the OH. It's certainly going to upset his parents when we tell them.
I've offered to pay for the extra guests, or take some of my friends off the list, but my parents won't agree to either of those solutions.
Really don't know what to do. Every time we have another issue OH becomes more and more disillusioned with this wedding. I don't blame him.
Any advice welcome...