...and answer it.
You can only pick one, so choose wisely.
Name the most terrifying moment of your life so far.
If you wanted to look very sexy, how would you dress?
What famous person do other people tell you that you most resemble?
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?
Do you believe honesty is the best policy?
What vegetable do you most resemble?
What dead person would you least want to be haunted by?
What do you think Victoria’s secret is?
Would you rather go a week without showering, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to shower?
Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?
You can choose your method of dying and the place in which you will die. Where would you like to die and how?
You can choose your last meal. What will the menu consist of?
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
You can select one person from history and ask them a question to which they must give a thruthful reply. Whom would you select, and what question would you ask?
If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?
You discover that your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mix-up at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?
Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any physical age you chose?
Would you be willing to commit perjury in court for a close friend, if your lie would save his/her life?
Would you be willing to give up sex for five years if you could have wonderfully sensual and erotic dreams whenever you wished?