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Beginner July 2009


mrsbaillie2b, 20 of August of 2008 at 10:08 Posted on Planning 0 21

Good morning all, i discovered last week that i am pregnant!!!!! yaaaayyy

i am very happy about this but the baby is due 3 months before the wedding!! so i am unsure weather to postpone or not????

21 replies

Latest activity by Faruk, 28 of December of 2021 at 18:23
  • lyni
    Beginner October 2008
    lyni ·
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    Many congratulations to you both!

    Personally I wouldn't postpone.

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  • Lollypoptee
    Beginner November 2008
    Lollypoptee ·
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    Congratulations! How exciting!

    I would not postpone either - mr friend did that and somehow has never got round to getting married! You will only be 3 months, so not waddling around at 8 months in a wedding dress etc!

    You could even announce it at the wedding as it will be the 3 month stage!

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  • chids
    chids ·
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    I wouldn't postpone at all.

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  • P
    Beginner July 2011
    puddledops ·
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  • mrsbaillie2b
    Beginner July 2009
    mrsbaillie2b ·
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    Thank you!!

    i wont be 3 months pregnant at wedding but the baby will be 2 or 3 months old and i am worried about losing weight to fit into my dress and the stress of a baby and wedding at the same time?!

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  • loobyg
    Beginner November 2008
    loobyg ·
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    Congrats! <jealousy icon!>

    I reckon you should be able to get most of the planning done before the baby is born so you should just have a few bits and bobs and small jobs to do - I have just under three months to go now and very little left - I have a list of things to buy that I'm working through each payday and other than that most of it is sorted, just small things like a table plan etc to do.

    As for your wedding dress if you ordered it a size bigger than you need now then you can have it taken in if needs be. A corset backed dress should be quite flexible in terms of fitting into it too!

    You must be so excited!

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  • mummy
    Beginner March 2009
    mummy ·
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    Congratulations!!!! Have you already got your dress?? Depends on your family and how you think they would support you. Personally after my first one, I was up and about and getting on with life no probs within a few weeks. After my 2nd was a differnent story (could have been to do with being the 2nd as well) and I would never have been able to get married 2/3 months in. I think you could move it, not postpone it? That way it would still happen, and not as previous poster said 'not get round to doing' How about trying to move it to when the baby is 6/7 months? That is normally a great turning point for babies, things fall into place that haven't done before, and he/she will be much more photogenic ?

    GOod luck with whatever you decide, and happy happy pregnancy!!

    Lol Clare xxx

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  • nicky167
    Beginner September 2009
    nicky167 ·
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    Huge congratulations to you both. You must be thrilled. X

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  • Purple Pixie
    Beginner July 2012
    Purple Pixie ·
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    I know it's not the same but I was a bridesmaid when my son was 4 months old. It did entail the same time for preperation etc on the day though. I couldn't have done it without my parents though so I'd say it definitely depends on how much support you'll get from your family and friends.

    Definitely do-able though.

    Congratulations by the way! ?

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  • S
    soon2bsummers ·
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    CONGRATULATIONS!! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

    Personally I wouldn't pospone either. I would just make sure that you have plenty of people around and take full advantage of them!

    The later stages of pregnancy and also having a newborn will be tiring as well as planning a wedding but dont be afraid to ask for help if you need it. People will be very understanding in the circumstances.

    Sarah xx

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  • chicken82
    Beginner May 2009
    chicken82 ·
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    Congratulations! Thats fantastic news!

    Ok, are you planning on breastfeeding? I ask because it can help and hinder you with your wedding preperations. If yes, then you will loose weight a lot quicker, but how will you manage on the day? There will be so many people there just itching to hold your little bundle, i wouldnt have thought that it would be a bind for you at all having a little one, but if she/he is totally dependant on you for food then it could change things. So, if you know how you feel about breastfeeding, expressing, mixed or formula feeding, then use that to help you make a decision. (if exclusive breastfeeding is what you want, a wedding dress is really impractical, if you dont mind expressing, mixed or formula, then it can be worked round)

    As far as weight goes, wedding dresses are very flattering, and you might not put on that much weight anyway??!!!

    Of course, the other thing to consider is the time needed to organise a wedding. You will have x ammount of time on maternity leave before the baby comes where you can sit and plan all day every day, but once the baby is there then time will run away with you. Do you think you will have it all ready 3 months in advance? will you have people you can really rely on for help in the 3 months before?

    I think it would be a real shame to cancle your wedding, just make sure you give it some big thought, and dont jump to a decision. Im sure there are many other factors i havent mentioned that you will think of over te next few weeks. Good luck!!

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  • Pearly81
    Pearly81 ·
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    Congratulations!! I am so jealous, cant wait to start trying after honeymoon! Smiley smile


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  • M
    Beginner March 2009
    Mrs Bloom ·
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    As some of the others have said, I'd hang fire for now and think it through properly before you postpone or cancel anything. It does sound do-able, but bear in mind a newborn may bring with it sleepless nights and will you be able to cope with the wedding plans too?

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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
    bluewater ·
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    Wowee congratulations! don't have any advice on whether you should postpone or not, i guess it depends on how much you currently have organised, and how much support you will get from family and friends in the run up to the actual day.

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  • essexmum
    Beginner August 2009
    essexmum ·
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    You will be fine. For the first 6 weeks the baby will do nothing but sleep, eat and poo so you will have plenty of time to do last minute wedding preps. Although you will have broken nights, you can catch up during the day, basically when the baby sleep ypu need ot sleep as well (especially in the first week or two after you get home from hospital). At 3 months you baby will be sat up and so much more aware of what is going on around him/her. Also you will most certainly be able to get THE most gorgeous wedding outfits for the baby. Depending on how easy you find loosing weight it, you will most certainly still have some baby weight left to shift at the 3 month mark so take that into account when ordering your dress, oh and I'm guessing you'll have to re-consider you honeymoon plans!

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  • Koobie
    Beginner September 2008
    Koobie ·
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    I wouldnt pospone either

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  • Mattdonna
    Beginner September 2008
    Mattdonna ·
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    I wouldnt postpone either. I think when I had my little one (via section) I would have been able to plan a wedding. And to be honest I get married two weeks on Saturday and Ive not really done very much for months now.

    Although ask me next week and there might be a slightly different answer ?

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  • S
    Beginner October 2008
    Sands ·
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  • lisaloulou
    lisaloulou ·
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    CONGRATULATIONS! What lovely news!

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  • L
    lucylu ·
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    Firstly huge congratulations!

    Secondly, personally, yes I'd definitely postpone the wedding. As someone else suggested I'd change the date now and maybe set a date for when the baby will be around 6 months or so.

    Babies are so so so different. I'm now on number 3 and each one has been completely different. With no 1 I had a c-section though recovered quickly. She had colic and was breastfed So at 3 months old she screamed constantly day and night and never ever slept. I hadn't had more than an hour's sleep in a row since the day she was born. She breastfed constantly and never would take a bottle no matter what we did. Breastfeeding gave me back ache if I didn't do it sitting in a well supporting chair. She cried if we evr put her down and the result was that she was carried round pretty much constantly. I was exhausted, emotional, couldn't have completed a basic form without help. Despite all my my pre-baby good intentions I hadn't shifted any baby weight at all. The most I had time to do in the morning was clean my teeth, I barely knew where my make up was kept. I don't think I wore anything except trackie bottoms a size larger than my usual size and my OH's sweatshirts and most days I didn't get chance to eat. The possibility of being a guest at a wedding (never mind the bride) was something uncontemplatable. In fact the idea of a meal out was uncontemplatable.

    Baby no 2 was completely different. No colic, fed like a dream, slept anywhere. But also my expectations had lowered which made it easier. I'd realised that not having any time to get ready yourself and not being able to leave the house without the amount of equipment Scott took to the Antarctic were the norm! I was able to leave baby no 2 when she was 6 weeks old to go out for an evening and being a guest at a wedding would have been just about contemplatable.

    Baby no 3 was again different. I had another c-section but this time my recovery was less easy. At 3 months I certainly hadn't lost ay weight as I couldn't exercise and walking any distance (like to the end of the road and back) wasn't great fun. She was and still is a very placid easy-going baby but she is lactose intolerant and spent the first few weeks of her life going backwards and forwards between doctors and hospitals trying to figure out why she had constant sickness and diarrohea. At 3 months that was just beginning to stabilise, but still meant she was feeding really often and was easily sick.

    Sorry for the long-winded answer but what I'm kind of trying to say is there is no way you can judge any one person's experiences and try to work out wheter you will be OK to get married when your baby is 3 months old. For some people it would be fine, for others it would be absolutely impossible. And unfortunately until you are actually there, there is no way of knowing which position you will be in.

    My personal opinion is that your wedding day is only going to happen once and you are probably going to spen a comparatively large amount of money on it. You may be just fine. Or you may be in the same position I was in with baby no1 where it would just be completely impossible. Personally I wouldn't take the risk. Babies are a lot more predictable just a few months later.

    Just to add, finally, Rob photographed a wedding last year where the bride and groom had a four month old. The baby was out of sorts on the wedding day and apparently just sobbed and sobbed. When Rob was there the bride was in floods of tears because the baby screamed every time she was passed to someone else but mum couldn't get ready while holding her. In the ceremony she again just wanted to be held by mum was over-tired and cried and cried to the point where mum was also crying and they stopped the ceremony. The baby actually quite took to Rob and the situation was sorted by him taking her for a walk outside during the ceremony, but the result was one very very upset bride with memories of the wedding day that she certainly hadn't imagined, and no photographs of the ceremony as the photographer was outside consoling the baby.

    As I said it may all work out fine but personally I wouldn't risk it.

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  • INeverThought
    INeverThought ·
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    Many congratulations to you both and nop dont postpone the wedding at all i am sure it will be fine...?

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