Hey Everyone,
I'm Matt and I'm pretty new to this Forum. I run a company called Shimmage (www.shimmagephotoediting.com), one of Hitched's registered Suppliers, and just wanted to ask a couple of questions and would really appreciate the feedback!
Just to give a bit of background, we're a company that provides photo airbrushing/retouching services. We know how expensive these services have been in the past, so we brought the prices right down to something everyone can afford (average price per photo is £6 - up to £10 for as many services as you'd like).
Recently we've been getting more and more requests from recently married couples and so we'd like to know if it's something you'd be interested in - or do you get such services included in your wedding photography packages? This would really help us in directing our marketing. For example, if it's something you think newly weds would be interested in, then we'll know to 'up' our advertising game with sites such as this one!
That's all really, and would really be a big help for us. To say thanks, if anyone did want to give us a try, we've put on a discount code for Hitched members which gives 15% off all our services over £5. The code is: Shimmage-Flash1.
Thanks again everyone for reading this ? Good luck with all your planning!