I have a FB account, but hardly ever log into it. I only really use it to find out with what some of my friends are up to as they seem to live on there!
I logged in the other day, and I have three friend requests.
One is from a girl I knew at school who I fell out with after she tried to make me choose between being friends with her or with her ex boyfriend (who had been my friend before he met her, and I shared a house with - so choosing not to be friends with him would have been awkward).
One is from someone I don't know, but is friends with two people I know. It's possible I spoke to him at a wedding, but I don't remember.
The last one is from someone in Mexico.
I also had a message from someone I don't know who apparently liked the look of my profile photo and wanted a chat.
Is getting messages and friend requests from randoms quite normal on FB?