So I've had a night to calm down a bit now. Yesterday we received a call from our venue asking us to go along for a meeting, as we could only make it at 5.30pm the venue coordinator told us she would sort us drinks and a meal on the house. Immediately I was worried there must be a reason for the free food!!!!
When we arrived the coordinator admitted she had made a huge *** up and had double booked all the rooms we had asked for for the night of our wedding, not including the bridal suite...phew...
We are getting married on a friday and there is another wedding there the next day, saturday. This couple had already booked out all the rooms for the night before and the night of their wedding. They booked Jan 09 we booked Oct 09 arghhhh!!!
The coordinator had a fairly valid family tragedy reason to blame for the mistake and that at the time 2 different members of staff were taking bookings. Obviously communication was lacking.
Although at the time I was fuming they have a contingency plan in action. The 15 rooms we need will be split between 2 local hotels 10 mins drive away, which charge far more than our guests were to pay for venue accommodation, we obviously will now be getting these at the original price quoted. The venue have also said they will lay on a free taxi service for the guests staying at the alternative hotels, picking up and dropping off whenever guests want. Finally they have reduced our venue rate by 50%.
I am still gutted however that me and H2B will be the only ones from our wedding party staying on the night of our wedding. Our guests will be taxi'd over to us again in the morning for breakfast.
It will take time for me to be completely happy with the situation but I'm sure it will work out fine.
Thanks for reading my little rant!!!!