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Beginner August 2022 Essex

Save the Dates Cards - Have i messed it up???

Mariko, 15 of September of 2021 at 12:05 Posted on Etiquette and Advice 0 5

Hi - any advice or reassurance welcome!

My fiance and I sent save the date cards (a mix of postal and electronic) for our wedding in summer next year. The thing is, we sent it to all our guests rather than our day guests.

On looking back, most websites seem to say that the cards should be for day guests only because people will assume they are invited to the whole day otherwise, but we sent the cards because August is a month where people usually take holidays etc. and wanted to give as much notice as possible that this is the day of our wedding.

Have we made a horrible mistake? How do I salvage it? I'm stressing so much and I've barely even started on the finer details of wedding planning.

5 replies

Latest activity by Shelbycobra, 21 of September of 2021 at 18:04
  • Charlotte
    VIP April 2022 Wiltshire
    Charlotte ·
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    Normally you just send to day guests. Can you maybe contact the people you sent to who are only evening guests and let them know that is to save the date for the evening only? Maybe explain you wanted everyone to know the date but forgot to specify was evening. Don't stress, it will be fine, make a joke of it and am sure your friends will understand.

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  • Sophiehannah
    Savvy June 2023 Cheshire
    Sophiehannah ·
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    We have sent ours to day guests only. Could you maybe let them know its evening only? X
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  • Rhiannon
    Beginner March 2023 Durham
    Rhiannon ·
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    You normally only send save the dates to day guests. Can you perhaps text/call/meet them to explain that they are invited to the evening rather than the full day? I’m sure everyone will understand and sounds like there’s plenty of time to rectify it, maybe just worth clarifying it before sending out the invitations. Try not to worry, it’s your wedding day so do what makes you happy and enjoy the planning experience.
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  • Hayley
    Rockstar September 2022 Norfolk
    Hayley ·
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    My cousin sent save the dates to us and we were then only invited to the evening. I would imagine most people have an idea of the bit they are invited to.

    We just sent save the dates to day guests, but also sent a few save the evenings to some we would definitely like there. Maybe you could message the evening guests and explain they were meant to be save the evenings.
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  • S
    Curious October 2021 Swansea
    Shelbycobra ·
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    Personally I dont think its anything to stress over, just confirm it with the invite when you send them or if people get in touch to ask. Im sure most people will be happy to have something to look forward to especially after the last year.... We sent save the dates to everyone and clarified further on the invites as after having to move our dates due to covid decided to split the ceremony and the reception over 2 days and have a small ceremony one day and the evening reception another (failsafe in the event of another lockdown so we could hopefully still get married just move the celebrations if needed), when we clarified to people we had noone come back to us and complain. You were excited and wanted to spread the word (which is basically what i did too) its a save the date so non specific in my opinion, its your day you do you Smiley winking.
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