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Dedicated September 2023 Derbyshire

Should we have games?

Lizzie, 20 of April of 2022 at 17:05 Posted on Planning 1 4

I'm planning well ahead here, but after all the curveballs Life has seen fit to throw at us over the 3 years we've been together I figured I deserved something fun to think about!

My question is: Games or no games?
I am not really a 'games' person - never have been. I don't know if people will get bored during the afternoon though (ceremony at 2, wedding breakfast at 4:15 followed allegedly by speeches, though I doubt there will be many, then evening starts at 7:30).

Will people just enjoy the rest and being able to have a mingle around, or do I need to think of something for them to do? It's a September date, so it might be rainy. Then again, it rains whatever time of year!

It has been ages since I went to a wedding, and I can't remember what (if anything) we did!

Many thanks in advance

4 replies

Latest activity by JONTY, 18 of July of 2023 at 08:53
  • Bobs
    Curious August 2023 South West London
    Bobs ·
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    Hi Lizzie,

    I think that games is a great idea and a way to make the day memorable, however it probably depends upon the venue which you have chosen.
    Magicians performing close up magic can break the ice for guests whilst you’re having pictures taken. I’ve also seen fortune tellers doing palm readings at some wedding.
    If it’s a summer month, you could maybe have crochet on the lawn or a mini ice cream van providing guests with something sweet.
    Good luck x
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  • Charlotte
    VIP April 2022 Wiltshire
    Charlotte ·
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    If your ceremony is at 2 them you will have food at 4.30 I think your guests will be ok to mingle whilst you have photos. If your meal is finished say 6.30 then you could have games before evening while they turn the room around, or again allow them to mingle, freshen up etc. It depends on your venue and if there is a space to do it away from the main room. It is a good diea but not 100% needed as people will use the time to chat and catch up with family etc
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  • S
    Savvy July 2022 Essex
    Suzanne ·
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    Our photographer suggested games due to our style of wedding, outdoor English pub garden, relaxed humanist ceremony & food trucks. As we are not having lots of formal photos so she thought a game would add to the atmosphere vibe & create a photo opportunity etc. the problem we had was then what type etc. we are only having 2 under 4 years old & didn’t want anything that would end up a lightsaber Or a tower they would have more fun knocking down lol ….so went for a football table as 4 people can play it & know our younger adult guests will enjoy it. So I guess I’m depends on your environment, style, vibe & guests. I’m sure whatever you decide will be right for you though enjoy & congratulations xx
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  • A
    Dedicated October 2023 Surrey
    AmesLou ·
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    When we went to look around our venue, there was a wedding being set up. They had board games, but they were all placed on the tables in the booths that run along one side of the reception room. Obviously I can't comment on how they were received, and I'm not going to use the same idea as it doesn't fit my plans, but it definitely looked like it would work well, particularly if there's a nearby but slightly separate area for the games!

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