H started a new job over a month ago and started with another person who has since been sacked. They stated at the time that the other person who had been sacked was because he had time off during the probation period.
H was off work Tuesday and Wednesday and has been to the doctors with the nurse this morning. He has had a terrible cough that in itself is just an annoyance/ sore throat etc. but he is literally up coughing all night and hasn't been sleeping at all. The nurse said that it wasn't a chest infection and to come back if it persists. She said because it was the first time seeing him over the cough she wouldn't issue a sick note for him to take to work to prove that he wasn't lying.
He has phoned work and is on his way there but his manager is being really snotty with him and told him to report straight to the MD's office. He spoke to his manager yesterday who said 'I did stress the importance of not having ANY time off during the probation period'. H is now worried he is going to work to get the sack. Where does he stand on this?