Afternoon all,
Well i'm probably being really thick so i do apologise in advance but, i need several sets of fairy lights to decorate my venue that are safe with material as having a midsummer nights dream enchanted theme i have been looking at solar powered white fairy lights on ebay but even though they state uk wholesalers i think they are foreign i emailed asking the following
Do they turn on by themselves or can you turn them on off with a button?? ( I DONT WANT THEM COMING ON TOO EARLY)
Do they detach from the main solar panel so they can be hung without trailing leads which is the whole reason for me buying without plugs as not enough sockets and safety issue ?
i got the following answer
we can provid plug do you want buy !!!
so do any of you know the answer have you bought these types of lights if not what can i use instead?? i want them hung from ceiling mixed with white drapes either net or muslin entwined with trailing ivy
thanks for the help yet again x x