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Beginner August 2005

starting body pump - unable to get to a intro to body pump

mrsmagoo, 14 April, 2009 at 21:06 Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 0 15


I have fallen in love with body attack, i actually look forward to going, i can normally make between 1 and 2 classes a week

I like the sound of body pump and would like to add this in too, but i cant get to the intro session as its on days that i have no childcare.

Would this be a problem?

Im not very strong either, am i likely to get laughed at lifting piddly weights?



15 replies

Latest activity by Iris, 21 April, 2009 at 15:56
  • Dr Svensk Tiger
    Dr Svensk Tiger ·
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    My gym didn't do intro sessions so I can't imagine it's essential. I've been lifting weights for a few years so it wasn't a problem for me but it you tell the instructor that you're new, before the class starts, and that you haven't done weight lifting before they'll advise you on what weights to use and you should be fine. Just remember to take it easy and don't do anything if you're not sure about it. Have fun, it's a great class Smiley smile

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  • sweetersong
    Beginner January 2006
    sweetersong ·
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    My gym doesn't do an intro session, but the leader always asks if there is anyone new so she can help and keep an eye on your technique, if they don't ask, just mention that you are new

    I love body pump, it works your muscles good. After my first session I walked funny for 2 days from the squats

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  • Consuela Banana Hammock
    Consuela Banana Hammock ·
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    You don't need an introduction - our gym doesn't offer them either.

    A few pointers .... select a good basic weight for each end of your bar - 2.5kg should do it and STICK WITH THAT for the entire class. Don't worry that people around you are changing their weights with each track.

    The most important thing about Pump is technique so don't hide away at the back of the class but stand where you can see the instructor and copy her/his every move. In fact, try and impersonate them if at all possible! The basic mistakes that most people make are with the dead lifts and also the squats ... bend your knees slightly and stick your bum out - pretend you're trying to sit down on a tiny chair behind you as you lower your bar. Most people do an impersonation of a frog bending it's legs!! Try and avoid that. ? And the single/triple rows - keep your entire body still and just move your arms. All this will become clear when you get into the class. It's really easy and once you've got the hang of it, you'll be away!!

    The tricep track is a bit confusing - it's one of only two tracks where you lie on your back on the stepper so watch the instructor before you start - there's always a demonstration before each track begins of what's in store. And listen to the instructor too - he/she will yell out what's coming next and will also shout out things you should/shouldn't be doing so listen and you can alter your stance or whatever as you go along. And enjoy the music too - the new release is one of the best.

    And other than that - just enjoy it! It's really addictive and if you do it properly, you'll know! I could barely walk after my first class!

    Come back and let us know how you get on .... ?

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  • M
    Beginner August 2005
    mrsmagoo ·
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    Im going to go tomorrow when the boys are at nursery

    Im just worried that i wont know what equipement etc i need and hate going forward to the instructor. If they ask if theres anyone new then im ok. Daft i know lol

    I also had surgery on my knee in january so will need to take it a bit easy as it still isnt that strong.

    Im determined to lose this last 3.5lbs, just hope body pump helps!

    Im looking forward to it now, you all seem so enthusiastic about it, lets hope im the same after tomorrow!

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  • Consuela Banana Hammock
    Consuela Banana Hammock ·
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    OK - here's a quick run-down on equipment. But do have a look around and see what everybody is doing and again, copy them.

    First up, select where you want to be in the room and set up your stepper - usually two risers on either end. We put a mat on top of the stepper too.

    You'll need to take a bar from the rack and put a 2.5kg weight on either end. Fix these in place with the black plastic clips. Put this behind your stepper on the floor.

    Now you just need a pair of handweights. I'd suggest 2kg ones for your first class. Again just pop these on the floor behind your stepper.

    And don't forget your towel and water bottle which you'll definitely need.

    That's it. That's all you need to get yourself started.

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  • M
    Beginner August 2005
    mrsmagoo ·
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    Oh thanks for all your help

    Is it likely to help with weight loss, or is it more a conditioning thing?

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  • Consuela Banana Hammock
    Consuela Banana Hammock ·
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    You will definitely burn calories if you do Pump properly and challenge yourself with your weights - for you, that'll come in a few weeks time when you know what you're doing and you've honed your technique. The advice for anyone starting Pump is keep the weights at the same level for the first six sessions and then start increasing.

    But you sweat and so yes, you burn calories and you'll also start noticing your body changing shape. More than conditioning - building muscle! It's recommended you do 2-3 sessions a week for optimum results.

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  • M
    Beginner August 2005
    mrsmagoo ·
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    Oh thank you

    I have 4 weeks to go till we go to florida so im hoping it will help. I hate going to new classes but i know once im there il be fine. trouble is, the gym i go to is full of skinny minnies. Im a size 12, nearly in size 10's and im by far the biggest person that does body attack!

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  • Iris
    Iris ·
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    Body Attack is great. It's high energy and low co-ordination! A lot depends on the instructor though.

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  • M
    Beginner August 2005
    mrsmagoo ·
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    I love body attack, i dont think anything comes close to it.

    I dont stop smiling from the moment i walk in to the moment i come out, the group interaction is fantastic and you work really hard, there are options though if you dont want to be doing jumping jacks, and jumping squats (cant do jumping squats due to knee surgery but instructor always shows you a lower impact option)

    The new release is fab, the music is fantastic. All the instructors are great at my gym that teach it, they are very into their fitness, have you screaming outloud and giving high 5's. Its totally addictive. Its the only class i look forward to going to

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  • Consuela Banana Hammock
    Consuela Banana Hammock ·
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    Whereas I found Body Attack hideously cringeworthy in a "back-row-of-a-Panto-Chorus" kind of way. I don't like group interaction when I work out, I like anonymity at the gym and "free styling" to a Hairspray track? Sorry. I hated every second of it. It's like community theatre does Over 60's keep fit.

    But hey, obviously only my opinion and I appreciate the range of classes so there's something for everyone. I bet a lot of people can't stand Pump! ?

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  • M
    Beginner August 2005
    mrsmagoo ·
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    You sure it was body attack cbh? it sounds like body jam, which i hate.

    We dont do any free styling, and definately no dancing, its all running, squats, jumping, pushups etc. Pretty much all athletic training. The group interaction is only on the running track, where you run to the outside then run in to meet everyone with the instructor in the middle. The also divide you into groups to do boot camp style training.

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  • Consuela Banana Hammock
    Consuela Banana Hammock ·
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    Nope, it was definitely Attack but we're talking a good six months (2 releases?) ago. Body Jam scares the bejeesus out of me - I'm waay too unhip to give that a go! ?

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  • M
    Beginner August 2005
    mrsmagoo ·
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    Hmm how odd.

    Body jam fills me with dread, no way i could do it, I have only done attack for 2 releases, the new one and think i did 2 classes of the old one. If freestylings involved in the next one i can see me coming to the end with my love affair!

    Im excited about body pump, trying to go on thursday.

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  • Iris
    Iris ·
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    Your Body Attack experience sounds awful CBH. I've been going for about 2 years and have never had to freestyle, sounds grim. I used to love that Hairspray track too.

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