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Dedicated July 2023 West Yorkshire


Lex, 16 of April of 2023 at 20:57 Posted on Etiquette and Advice 0 6
We’re due to get married in just over 3 months- 14 weeks to be exact! And I’m finding myself stressing out over the stupidest little things!
- Will the men remember their ties and pocket squares?
- What if I don’t like my makeup?- What happens if someone feels unwell on the day?- What if a supplier cancels last minute?
I KNOW that these are all such “first world problems” but the stress and worry is starting to make me dread the whole thing 🥲 Is anyone else in a similar boat?

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Latest activity by Jinnykey, 30 of October of 2023 at 14:37
  • S
    Rockstar April 2023 West London
    Sarah ·
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    It’s totally normal to worry about absolutely everything wedding-related! What’s not good is to let it spoil your enjoyment in the run up.

    For the “will they remember…” kinds of things, keep a notebook nearby so you can write it down and get it out of your brain. I found my endless lists unbelievably useful in the days leading up to my wedding because they reminded me to check in on things/do things/pack things that I’d have probably forgotten about otherwise. Having them written down also meant they weren’t rattling around in my head.

    For the “what ifs”, separate them into what you can do something about now, what is unlikely and therefore not worth thinking about, and what can you give to someone else to manage? Examples: what if you don’t like your makeup? That can go into the “do something about now” pile because you can have a trial with your MUA (or practise at home if you’re doing it yourself). What if someone feels unwell on the day? Unlikely but not impossible - there’s nothing you can do about it so you’d just have to shrug it off and wish them well. What if a supplier cancels last minute? Delegate between you and your fiancé, and potentially the wedding party. So if the car cancels, maybe it’s the best man’s job to come up with a solution. If the hairstylist drops out? She deals with your MOH to recommend a replacement.

    I know you weren’t looking specifically for answers to those exact questions, but hopefully by breaking these things down it’ll help to avoid the overwhelming feeling that everything might go wrong.

    I promise you, on the day you actually won’t care. You’ll be so focused on your own thing that when someone asks you, “oh, how is aunty Cath getting to the venue?” you will look at them blankly and say, “I have no idea”, and it’ll immediately disappear from your head.

    I had a few things that didn’t go to plan with mine: my cousin was in an accident so couldn’t make it, and one of my friends had her baby on the morning of the wedding so her and her husband obviously didn’t come - we just informed the venue and they put the cost of those meals as a bar tab for us. I thought I’d stress about the family members that were meant to be getting a lift with my cousin, but didn’t even think about it until I saw them and asked how they got there!

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  • MarvellousAsh
    Beginner April 2023 Dorset
    MarvellousAsh ·
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    Hey! You are definitely not alone! I'm in the exact same boat except now my wedding is next week. And the little thought or worry about the day is stressing me out, causing me to wake up in a panic in the middle of the night... example of today... my mums side of the family decided last minute they want to wear buttonholes matching my colourscheme. I said lovely idea but I only want the wedding party to have buttonholes... and it (in my head with how I'm feeling) has upset everyone.

    Honestly, it's completely normal to feel stressed out about little things. Best advice as someone currently going through it... find something to distract yourself from thoughts of the wedding. Take your mind off it for a bit. Then when you're in a clearer, more relaxed headspace, go back to it and create a list of things that could go wrong, so you can plan accordingly.
    Good luck with your wedding!
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  • K
    Dedicated June 2023 Essex
    Kirsty ·
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    I think Rockstars advice is very good!

    I am 6 weeks away from my wedding and around the 3/4 month mark was when I was most stressed. I am surprisingly relaxed now, even with how close its getting.

    My advice based on what I did was just to get organised. That way I knew I had done everything I could and beyond that, what will happen will happen. So in terms of making sure everyone has and does what they need to on the day. I have written quite detailed itineraries for the groom, groomsmen, bridesmaid and myself. They have all found it quite helpful because they kept asking me questions and now they just need to refer to their itineraries. I have given them a copy for now so they have an idea of what happens at the rehearsal and on the day. But at the rehearsal I will also give them a final copy. Its also great for me, as there is a lot going on and I can't remember everything that I need to, so this is a great reference and my venue and suppliers have also found it very helpful. Just as a caveat here, I am an events planner and a wedding is essentially an event so I approached this how I would any event...hence the itineraries.

    In terms of all the extra worries and what if. Write them down. Look at them and then cross out all the ones you have no control over. Those crossed out ones you need to let go of, because there is no point stressing yourself out about something you cannot change. The ones you have left, think if a way of dealing with it and then tick it off. That way you know you have dealt with everything you can. For example you have no control over people getting ill - cross it out, move on. But you do have control over people forgetting their ties - put it in their itinerary, give them a check list of things they need and then tick that off your list. You will have such a sense of proactiveness and achievement. I did this, and the weight it lifted was great!

    Lastly, please find time to relax and do something that isn't wedding related, as you really need that time to switch off. I started swimming again, because for that time I'm in the pool, I'm thinking of nothing else than timing my breaths and strokes and its been the best thing for me both mentally and physically.

    If you wanna chat about any of the above, drop me a DM.

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  • Lea
    Rockstar July 2023 Kent
    Lea ·
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    Just over 2 months to go for us. I'm rather sick of all the planning now. Just want it to arrive and get it over and done with.

    Haven't really liked my hair trial and not really that pleased with the makeup trial either. Going for a second hair trial next week. For the makeup, I've emailed the MUA and asked to use different colours but I'm not having another trial so hope that it will be OK on the day. Yikes!

    Just a matter of sitting and waiting now as I've got a couple of people who have to confirm attendance and menus but I don't want to rush them. However, I want to start ordering seating charts, place cards etc.

    A little bit stressed over the stuff I have no control over. My fiance is in charge of setting up music and lights for the venue and he'll be playing playlists from his phone which we created together. Worried about things like him not charging up stuff etc.

    My main worry is trying not to put on weight. In fact I need to lose a couple of pounds and maintain it to be able to fit into my dress.

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  • Sarah
    Rockstar August 2024 Warwickshire
    Sarah ·
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    I can imagine your day is very near or happened by now so, congratulations!
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  • O
    East London
    Odessa ·
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    I drink sedatives teas for stress

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