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Beginner June 2014

Stupid questions people have asked about you wedding?

Erin8, 27 of June of 2014 at 09:00

Posted on Planning 107

The best questions l got were; Is the marriage legally blinding? Clearly yes otherwise why would l be doing it?! Is your Dad coming? He has been dead for over a year so probably not How am l getting to your wedding party? How should l know

The best questions l got were;

Is the marriage legally blinding? Clearly yes otherwise why would l be doing it?!

Is your Dad coming? He has been dead for over a year so probably not

How am l getting to your wedding party? How should l know

107 replies

  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    Not so much stupid questions but we had one guest (a family friend who is scatty as anything) who received her invite along with Pizza Express details for her to pick her food, proceeded to spend ages on the Pizza Hut website deciding what to have...

    My dear sister has been b*tching to anyone who will listen as to why we would have our wedding in 3 venues as it is logistically impossible for her to travel between them (she is young, able bodied, has car...). Our first two venues are next door to each other, literally 10 steps and we are there, and the evening venue is 2 minutes drive away. Lazy, much?!

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  • terri_cramp
    Beginner May 2015
    terri_cramp ·
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    awww be sure to tell us when the bubby arrives... How sweet, and good luck. X

    these posts have really made me chuckle

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  • S
    Beginner July 2014
    Shely ·
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    Had fsil ask us last week whether we were staying at our hotel on the sat and sun night??? We get married late afternoon on the Monday? so no we wont be going home at 11AM on the morning of our wedding lol, we will be staying Sun and Mon nights ?

    Made us chuckle it did x

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    This thread is brilliant! I did have to explain to h2b why it was called a wedding breakfast. Best ones for me so far are my mum asking if she can invite friends of hers I either don't like (and neither does she if she's honest!) or haven't met! Erm, no. Will you be covering up your tattoos? I will have a dress that suits me, if that means seeing some of my tattoos (it does) then tough! Is his mum coming? Nope, they don't talk, and the prospect of a wedding hasn't softened her up any. Will you come and see us the night before? (family members who are travelling down for the wedding) Sorry Nanna, we'll be a bit busy! And my favourite was from my mum, what colour dress are you going to wear? Erm, why, do you think I'm gonna pick a black one? Well, yes, I did think you might! Hahahahaha, I had no idea my mum thought I was so alternative!

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    Mine asked me the exact same thing. She seemed quite shocked when I said I was gonna wear white.

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  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    Everyone I know would have been shocked if I had said I was wearing white. Maybe I should have done just to see their faces! No one has batted an eyelid that I have a black dress!

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  • C
    Beginner July 2015
    celticcurl ·
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    Oh's uncle asked why are we bothering if we're not having kids. Mind you he is a grumpy git anyway, yesterday he called me fat! I told him I was on a diet so eventually I'd be slim but he would still be a tosser. OH killed himself laughing (at my response not his uncles insult).

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  • cymruangel
    Beginner December 2014
    cymruangel ·
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    Future Mother in Law is a font of hilarity at the moment, principally because she knows she's going to get a new outfit and can't stand shopping.

    Some of her outfit-based "quips" (accompanied by over the top nervous faux giggle, at all times):

    - Are you wearing a proper full on dress then? Um, yes, I'm a girly girl and you know I love dressing up.

    - You know I wore a mini dress, maybe you should borrow that? (She was a TWIG when she got married, teeny tiny, and she only had a mini dress in an attempt to shock the professors (FFIL's colleagues) who were coming)

    - Can't I just be a bridesmaid and then I won't have to decide what to wear? ?

    I'm sure I'm forgetting some corkers. I know she's probably well-meaning, but I do have to resist the urge to throw cushions at her sometimes.

    Oh and her sister's husband, OH's uncle in other words:

    - Is there anything going on in the evening? I was a bit confused by this, and said well yes we're considering dinner the night before for people staying over. Turns out he meant the day of the wedding... I mean, I know it's been 15 years since the last family wedding for them, but surely evening parties have been A Thing for much longer than that??!

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  • J
    Beginner September 2014
    Jfh ·
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    I have to say that I don't think the wedding breakfast questions are that stupid. I don't know what a wedding breakfast is and I've been married before. Is it a breakfast the wedding party eats before the ceremony? Is it croissants and pastries? I genuinely haven't heard of one before. For my first marriage we got married at 5.00 pm so nobody was there for breakfast. They all arrived later in the day.

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  • M
    Beginner August 2014
    Mrslizziew2be ·
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    Almost just spat my tea out!! What does she think you, your OH and geusts will do in the evening, sit twiddling your thumbs?

    She must know what receptions are like?

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    I don't think the breakfast question is silly, it really is an odd thing to call it! Your first meal together as a married couple is called the wedding breakfast, no matter what time of day you eat.

    Ooh, black dress! That's pretty cool:-) I was always gonna go traditional, I was surprised mum thought i'd be different!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Also can't believe how many people have been asked about diets! Wow people are mean!! Your h2b proposed to you at the size you are, if he's happy everyone else should be in my opinion!

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  • S108HAN
    Beginner August 2013
    S108HAN ·
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    I think the 'Wedding Breakfast' thing probably dates back to when everyone had religious services. Back in the day, it was traditional to marry as part of a Nuptual Mass and it was also a requirement that before a mass you fast from the night before and ate nothing at all in the morning ( then it became a three hour fast and in the Catholic church it's still an hour). This meant that traditionally the first meal after the Nuptual Mass or wedding service would be a break-fast.

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  • M
    Beginner April 2015
    Mrs-S-to-be ·
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    Ahh these have made me chuckle - I've been away for the last week so nice to catch up.

    we gave a save the date to oh's friend with our venue on it and he just went "walled garden - can I bring a football?"

    No, no you can't...

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  • jayannfernandez
    jayannfernandez ·
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    A stupid and annoying question my make up artist asked me was if she can go ahead right after she did my make up because she has another appointment but clearly i booked and reserved and paid for that day so she can be exclusively on my wedding that day.

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  • J
    Beginner September 2014
    Jfh ·
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    I've never heard it called that. Only ever heard it called a reception. You learn something new every day.

    We are going home right after the wedding. It's just a civil ceremony that will take a few minutes. Maybe we will pick up a pizza along the way.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    How old is he?!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2015
    Mrs-S-to-be ·
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    24 - I like to think he was joking but i think he just opened his mouth without thinking. I felt like bringing out my wedding budget spreadsheet and saying - look! Look! This is why you can't have a football!

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  • Barnett2015
    Beginner April 2015
    Barnett2015 ·
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    From my mother 'You will be losing weight won't you?' ?

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MrsB2015 ·
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    Mrs A where are you getting married? X

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  • M
    Beginner April 2015
    Mrs-S-to-be ·
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    Is this to me? I can't see a Mrs A so wondering if it's a typo? There's a walled garden in Luton Hoo Smiley smile

    If it's not to me I'll just slip away into the darkness!

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    That said, I know more than one couple who are engaged but with no intention of actually planning a wedding. My H2B's best friend has been engaged to a woman for years and they have a 12yr old child. When I asked H2B when their wedding is, he sort of snorted.

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  • SecretlyEloped
    Beginner May 2014
    SecretlyEloped ·
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    Love this thread!

    Jewellery shop assistant (while looking at wedding rings): "so you're eloping?"... "yes"... "where are you going?"... "We're having our ceremony in London, then going to Paris by eurostar"... "so have you got new jobs to go to when you get there?"... erm, no.

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  • Alisha.B
    Expert April 2022
    Alisha.B ·
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    Sounds like she confused eloping with emigrating

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  • SecretlyEloped
    Beginner May 2014
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    I would have understood if we were not enquiring about buying our wedding rings with her! Since when do you buy wedding rings to emigrate!

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  • T
    Beginner November 2014
    Titchymichy ·
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    I took my younger sister to a few wedding fairs with me (I'm early 40's she's mid 30's & clearly already married visibly by the rings on her finger) almost all of the ladies trying to sell dresses, automatically assumed it wasn't me looking for a dress. Even when I told them, "it's me" they still addressed her. Needless to say, my dress doesn't come from any of their shops!

    I showed someone a pic of some flowers I'd put together for a centrepiece, to represent what my FSIL had at her wedding and was told "oh, I don't like that!" think I care? Wasn't asking for your opinion, trot on!

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  • T
    Beginner November 2014
    Titchymichy ·
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    I'm constantly asked what the theme or colour palate is for the day!!

    The theme is it's a wedding! and I don't have a colour & really don't mind what colour anyone else is wearing! Pretty sure my table decs are going to be a complete mishmash but I don't care! :-)

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    From the woman in the jewellers when I went to collect my ring "would you like it in a box or do you want to wear it now?

    Ermm., its a wedding ring, can he give it to me first please?

    And from the sales assistant in a suit shop to my h2b "so when will the groom be in to see it?"


    Both because of assumptions that old fogies like us can't possibly be the bride and groom.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Some of these are hilarious, and some are so awkward! I did have a couple of awkward ones, my boss asking if I was pregnant because there will only be 8 months between the proposal and the wedding, um no, actually my nanna isn't very well so we're bringing it forward, and people asking if we were going to have sides for the ceremony, you know full well his family won't be there, why would you ask that?!

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  • xoxoxo2017
    Beginner May 2017
    xoxoxo2017 ·
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    Not really a question but more of a statement.

    I saw a shop a mile from my house with some fabulous sale rail gowns that I want to try on next weekend. So i texted my closest BM (who lives in a town 11 miles away) and asked her if she'd like to come with me. The reply was....

    "I could do with any shopping being in <insert her town here>"

    I replied and said don't worry I will ask someone else.......!!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Wow, is she still a bm?

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  • H
    Beginner May 2015
    Heathy2b ·
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    When I told my dad the price of the drinks was expensive at the venue his reply was "well we don't have to stay there all night, we can leave and find somewhrre cheaper" Err I don' t think so, I haven't paid all this money for a wedding for you to leave early!

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